The most interesting item is the chapter 7 paragraph on online mbs. Pretty sure this will be ignored by councils that have huge online events with some classes up to 100 scouts and charging as high as $35 per badge.
The last post that I quickly saw related to the Girl scouts dropping was by Ducttape on 10/30. After that I didn't see one directly related. Went into Character, joining and commissioner posts.
I'm not an expert in the CM policies but it would seem that having ANY youth group (School, sports, teen social groups) within the individual parishes are subject to YP and would cause the liability rates to go up.
These issues have been around for a number of years. Wonder if there was something that pushed the Diocese to dropping scouts including not meeting. It was nice that they said the scouts could still work on religious emblems but I’m guessing the church would not allow the scouts to receive their awards at Scout Sunday Mass.
@yknot......Numbers from 12/23 were inflated, as they are end of year in every report that the BSA issues in early January.
Didn't we fire professionals in the past for padding numbers with phantom registrations?
@qwazse Yep I have done the PA course. It is also used by any adult doing anything with youth including Priests and School Teachers as a condition of employment.
I agree listening to "experts" drone on and then being "tested " with obvious questions and answers so you pass doesn't make anyone "competent"
I'm not sure if year to year is a better metric than the end of the previous calendar year to July is better. Being down 175K from the end of 2023 doesn't give me a feeling that we are making much recovery.
Goal is to emphasize inclusion. Of who? Girls, minorities?
Is there a membership percentage goal? 50/50?
A friend sent me the July membership and % girls. 838K 17.8%
Compared to Dec 2023 1015K 17.4%
So the % girls is up and total membership down which tells me the % of boys has dropped a bunch.
He didn't send any minority numbers but they have historically been weak.