Prospective Eagle Scouts had been asked to demonstrate a “record of satisfactory service” since 1927. And in 1952, they were instructed to “do your best to help in your home, school, church or synagogue, and community” — an ambiguous instruction, to be sure.
But on Oct. 1, 1965, the Eagle rank was forever changed when a requirement was added to plan, develop and carry out a service project helpful to the church, synagogue, school or community. (In 1972, the requirement to “give leadership to others” was added.)
The other piece of this was the addition of the requirement to serve in a Troop Warrant Officer position. Since adults were not members of the troop they could not do this requirement effectively ending adults earning the Eagle Rank. Of course there are cases for Scouts with Disabilities and lost records which are covered in the Guide to Advancement.