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Everything posted by MikeS72

  1. Makes me wonder what rank Elroy Jetson achieved! 😄
  2. That should be true globally. Once the SM has approved someone to be on the ballot and they are elected he/she CANNOT change the result. From the latest version of the OA Guide to Elections: "After the youths have voted, the unit leader cannot adjust the results of the election. The Guide for Officers and Advisers says that lodge rules must include this standard rule: Rule III.A. The requirements for membership in this lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers. The “Induction: Election to Ordeal” section of the Guide for Officers and Advisers, details the procedure to be used for elections. Voting by unit leaders or adjusting the results of the youth votes is not part of the procedure and therefore is not allowed."
  3. The adults must be registered at the time of nomination and induction (unit nominates, SE approves) and must meet the same camping requirement as the scouts. A unit may nominate adults at a ratio of 1/3 the number of scouts elected. Those adults should be nominated because they will be an assest to the OA, not as a thank you for being a leader or simply because their scout was elected and you want them to experience induction together.
  4. The way the original post read was "Our Troop is 50 years old...exemplary...90 Scouts including about 20 girls..." Troops can be linked; same charter org., same committee, but cannot be a troop of 90 scouts, 20 of whom are girls. There can be a troop of 70 boys and a separate troop of 20 girls who meet the definition of linked troops and do some activities together.
  5. That is what we have done for the last couple of years. Ideally an election team has at least 3 members, each of whom has a specific script to read verbatim. At the end of the third script (at least I seem to remember it being the third person) the team announces those scouts who were elected.
  6. I am sure that all of us could find some group of people that we have never met, that does not mean that they do not exist. I was a part of our ceremonial team for 6 years as a youth, well over half a century ago. I am still very much active in the OA, and yes, I also cringe both when I see some of the pictures that show lodges in the northeast and southeast whose ceremonialists are decked out in plains regalia, complete with double trail head dresses; as well as when I think back to what we wore and the gallons of red body paint we used more than half a century ago. I also came back to this thread this morning to post the link that @HashTagScouts posted during the night. One of the problems with online forums is a little bit of knowledge mixed in with a whole lot of speculation ends up with people getting fired up over something that may or may not ever come to be. In my opinion, if Goodman and Edson were still around, I do not think they would be offended by seeing a ceremony conducted in uniform.
  7. Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Pretty sure that members of the National OA Committee do not also sit in Congress.
  8. In the years that I have been involved with our pack, the AOL's have done both plaques and banners, and they have always been funded by the AOL and their parent. We have never included either in the pack budget.
  9. Is this a relatively new feature? I do not recall noticing it in the past. Good to know now where to find the most current numbers.
  10. I both filter with a higher end Katyden, then hit it with UV light via a SteriPen. The filter does a great job with the way the water tastes coming out of some of our FL waterways, and the SteriPen finishes off those nasties.
  11. Sure we do! Been there many times... Universal Orlando and Universal Hollywood 😁
  12. Log in Scoutbook. Under your unit scroll down and you will see a list of items such as Troop Roster, Troop Reports, etc. The 4th from the bottom should be MB Counselor List. Click on that and use the drop down list to select the MB you are looking for.
  13. That puts me and most of my Scouts out of the picture!😄
  14. The first unit the dropped (about 1 1/2 years ago) was simply told "We are going in another direction". The rest of the units in the council were told the same earlier in the year.
  15. Our Diocese announced early in the year that they would end all charters on 12/31/22. Individual parishes have the option of entering into facilities use agreements.
  16. Had to do this several years ago when our SM was out of state for more than a month. Confirmed it with council prior to signing.
  17. It is in my council, although there is no guarantee that either patches or t-shirts will be available for those doing late registration or walk in.
  18. I would not be surprised at all to see annual YPT come about as a part of the restructuring plan once the bankruptcy if finalized.
  19. May well be happening in a lot of areas. We are currently looking at any volunteer whose YPT expires prior to April 1, 2023 and working to get them renewed BEFORE recharter packets are turned in. We have been informed that the recharter will not be accepted if there is anyone who might expire before the charters are processed.
  20. According to the article in the Hawaii Tribune-Herald any potential charges look to be misdemeanors. I know that there are times when a RSO might show scouts guns that they would not actually fire on the range, just to make them familiar with them, but I am surprised that there would have been a loaded AK-47 present. Nothing that we have seen so far indicates whether this was under the supervision of a RSO or if the troop was doing this event on their own. As @Mrjeffstated, I am sure there was no ill intent here. That aside however, a child was killed and somewhere along the line something was done that did not comport with range safety procedures.
  21. The article is available to read by creating a free account. The bulk of the information concerns the family filing court papers for pretty much everything related to the investigation, in preparation for a wrongful death suit against the BSA, the Aloha Council, and "those who may be criminally charged". The police department has filed filed an objection to the subpoenas, due in part to the ongoing criminal investigation. There is a court hearing scheduled for Wednesday morning.
  22. The Explorer program is still alive. While not as large as it was when I took part in the late 60's/early 70's, and now is a part of BSA affiliate Learning for Life, it is still around and includes both Explorer Clubs (6 - 8 graders) and Posts (14 - 20 year olds). One of our council's police posts was involved at our 100th anniversary camporee recently. Exploring.org Also still a part of the program: Venturing | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org) Just like the base Cub and Scouts BSA programs numbers are down across the country, but these programs are far from gone.
  23. @Armymutt You mention Tennessee. Would you by any chance have been at Boxwell for Wood Badge? If so, congratulations from a member of the Beaver Patrol, MT-14 (1972).
  24. So he did the spring course but not the fall course that concluded on the 18th, or last 3 courses including this fall? I am looking at the staff roster from the fall course right now.
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