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Everything posted by MikeS72

  1. Sounds like a Tenderfoot to First Class camp. As @Thunderbird stated, there is no need to wait until May to work on Totin' Chip. I would much prefer seeing new Scouts do this in a troop setting, where they are given the individual attention needed. When done at camp it is hard to give each Scout more than a few minutes. I went down to observe some of our Scouts in the TTFC program at camp this summer, and that is what they were doing while I was there. A minute to a minute and a half each, and one boy (from a different unit) who just missed putting an ax in his leg several times, and they were all told they were good to go.
  2. I have no trouble seeing over 1,000 registrations here. As I said earlier, we have 11 girls in our pack, and as someone who worked school night presentations for several other packs, I saw a lot of girls coming in.
  3. Not sure about other councils, but here in Central Florida we were given a number of 1004 girls last month. I know we picked up 11 in our pack, and that was a small number compared to some of the others in our district. The tell will be how many of those girls continue the entire school year, or indeed, how many have even attended a meeting.
  4. Based on many of the posts I have read by @qwazse, I did not take that to be a serious comment, but as tongue in cheek.
  5. MikeS72


    In my opinion, the one that would be more likely to scare off a predator is telling them when you hand them an application that they must consent to a nationwide background check. On more than one occasion I have had someone respond with 'let me think about it', and never return. I had a parent a number of years ago who, when told that she had to be a registered volunteer, including background check, to chaperone a school field trip, first replied 'if I can't go, my daughter can't go either'. She then made the comment that it is nobody's business what is in her background. Needless to say, the child did not go on the field trip, and the parent never asked to chaperone again.
  6. MikeS72


    Merit Badge Counselors do not pay a registration fee. They (we) do fill out an additional adult application, submit an additional YPT certificate, and undergo the background check.
  7. I am pleasantly surprised at seeing the "follow Me Boys" reference here. Probably my favorite Fred MacMurray role, along with the best performance of Kurt Russell's many roles as a child actor.
  8. I would accept something like that. You are not the first grubmaster to to lose/wash a receipt, and I can pretty much guarantee you will not be the last. If your troop has been around for more than a few years, I am sure it has happened there before.
  9. Most Packs and or Troops in my district cover that cost as a part of the annual budget. On the district level, most of us are also affiliated with a unit, so we do not pay anything for the secondary position. District staff who are not with a unit pay their own registration costs.
  10. If her pack does not have a registered female leader willing to camp, you could try contacting one of the other packs in your area to see if they have someone who would be willing to step up so this young lady does not get left out in the cold.
  11. Hey! I just bought one of those on ebay, and intend to wear it with my retro uniform!
  12. This would not happen to be the Challenger District Cub Family Camp, would it???
  13. I have been using the clear thread for about a year, and matching as close as possible to the patch with the thread in the bobbin.
  14. While our district consistently has in excess of 100 people at every roundtable, it is only one of many ways we have tried to get the word out. Emails to every registered leader, district facebook page, face to face contact at unit meetings, texts, etc. I have sent more emails and had more direct contact about this with leaders from multiple units than I would like to count. I am sending on last reminder this afternoon via text. As @Saltface stated above, could depend on your council's interpretation. We have been told consistently that people will be dropped, from MBC's on up the line. Our district recharter was done back in July, so MBC's had to be current by July 1 in order to remain on our active MBC list. I just hope we see a flurry of activity over the weekend. A week ago, we had 255 people in our district set to expire, right now that number is down to 207 (down 3 in the last couple of hours)
  15. Same here. We have all been told at every roundtable and every commissioner meeting that those who expire at midnight on Sunday will have their memberships revoked. While that may seem extreme to many, completing YPT is not at all difficult, and if all that result in not getting it done is to say 'your YPT has expired, but continue with your unit as if everything is fine for the next three months', there is really no incentive to get it done. It would also make me wonder a bit, if they are willing to ignore this requirement for eight months, what other things are they ignoring.
  16. Should not have been a part of the plan. In my district, it was explained to everyone that it was up to each CO to determine if they would accept girls, and if so, would it be an all girl pack or a co-ed pack with separate dens. The caveat however, was that if a pack was not accepting girls, there would be representatives from a pack that would accept them at the school night program. I am not aware if that actually happened, as we have had large numbers of new scouts so far, both boys and girls. in fact, of that 32,000 girl number mentioned recently, the last numbers I heard here in Central Florida Council was that we had brought in 3004 new cubs, 1002 of whom are girls. (this was as of 3 weeks ago). In your particular situation, I think I would contact some one a little higher up in your council and let them know that you had voted to remain boy only and why. I would then inform them that your DE seems to feel that they can force that change on you, and that you plan on following your original plan. It sounds to me as if the DE has decided that if he/she paints you into a corner by having girls show up at roundup, you will give in.
  17. I can understand the frustration some folks are having, depending on how their District or Council has approached the whole YPT thing. I know that we started discussing this is our monthly Commissioner meetings back in February, when the new YPT was first available. I took it right away, and while there were network issues, I was able to complete it within a few days. I have been reminding leaders in my units for the past 8 months that Sunday's deadline was coming. I have spoken to people face to face, sent e-mails, texts, we have made numerous announcements at every Roundtable starting in February. We have offered live classes and I offered a couple of units the opportunity to use our school computer lab for better internet access. At this late date, it is up to those who have yet to complete YPT to do so in the next 5 days. Our District shows 232 set to expire on 9/30. I know that a large number of those are people whose sons moved from a pack to a troop this year, and are no longer active leaders. A good number of them are merit badge counselors who are also no longer active. I am realistic enough, however, to realize that we will have a lot of current leaders who will lapse, simply due to procrastination. I cannot feel sorry for them, they have had every opportunity to get it done.
  18. Two tan ASM shirts One tan Den Leader shirt One tan Commissioner shirt One green 60's ASM complete uniform One green 60's Den Leader complete uniform
  19. I guess that depends on where you are located. In my local scout shop we have all of the new neckerchiefs, from the yellow Lion right on up the line. Any of our newer scouts who have just purchased uniforms have the new colors. I am in the Central Florida Council, which seems to be smashing recruiting numbers. Last numbers I saw were almost 2 weeks ago. At that time we had over 3,000 new cubs in a month, and just over 1,000 were girls.
  20. What we have been told as Commissioners is that anyone who has not updated to the new version of YPT by 10/1/18 will have their registration terminated. In order to recharter they would then have to fill out a new adult application and submit it, along with a current YPT certificate. I have been reminding people in my units, and have seen a lot of waiting until the last minute. In my own pack and troop we are seeing the same, although we are down to only one in the pack. I am pretty sure that we have several in the troop who will end up lapsing. When that happens, we will see if they actually disappear from our troop roster.
  21. That is a little odd, as I just got one of the newer certificates from a parent to add to their adult application, and it shows the expiration date along with the date taken, in the bottom right half of the blue border. Out of curiosity, I pulled a copy of mine from my.scouting.org and it is exactly the same, showing an expiration date of 2/7/2020.
  22. Being a part of the Central Florida Council, I can attest to the fact that pack school nights are going very well. In my district, we are at the halfway point in school night presentations, and have registered 264 new scouts. At our pack's school night, we registered 26 new cubs, 10 of whom are girls.
  23. If that parent has registered they would be background checked. That may or may not be the case, depending on the unit. My personal opinion is that if you volunteer in any capacity, the unit should request that you register and undergo the background check. Not everyone or every unit feels the same.
  24. Exactly why skipping this particular requirement can have unintended and deadly consequences. I took longer than expected to reach First Class, precisely because when younger we did not live near enough to a pool to learn to swim. If it had not been a BSA requirement, I would never have bothered to learn; however, it was, and while it took a while, I did learn. I also earned my Eagle when there were not alternates to swimming or lifesaving merit badges. While I have never had to perform a water rescue, I firmly believe every Scout should know what to do in and around water.
  25. With any luck you could find information at National Council. They do maintain a database of Eagle Scouts, although some records were lost in a fire a number of years ago. Worth a try though.
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