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MikeS72 last won the day on August 31 2024

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  • Interests
    Scouting, reading, memorabilia collection
  • Biography
    Eagle Scout 1971; Woodbadge MT-14 1972; Woodbadge Staff SC-1 1974; Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor 1972; District Award of Merit 2021; Silver Beaver 2021; Cub Scout Den Leader; Assistant Scoutmaster; Assistant District Commissioner

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  1. As both committee chair of one of my 3 units, and a signer on the unit checking account I had no trouble renewing individuals and rechartering the unit online. I am a key 3 delegate with the other 2 units, but not a signer on their checking accounts. Even with the treasurer sitting with me and inputting her information at the payment screen we were unable to get anything to process. According to our council registrar this appears to be fairly common, and we were told to put money in our council account and let her know who it was for and she would process the renewals. For the unit charter there is an option ton the first screen to pay at council. We chose that option, printed and signed the PDF that popped up, and sent it, along with the annual charter agreement to council with a check for $100 attached.
  2. Lot of them currently listed on ebay
  3. Good luck doing anything with that dime in today's world! 🤣
  4. Cut and pasted from the front page of scouting.org
  5. No, not trading the entire camp. Earlier post stated 450 acres of a 1,300 acre property. Sandhill hosted this year's OA Section Conference. Without seeing a map of which portion is on the block it is hard to assess, but my thoughts having been there would be that they are talking the front part of the camp which is mostly open, unused land that is right on a major multi lane highway (It took me less than 5 minutes to go from the parking area to Dick's Sporting Goods). I will also state that if that is what it takes to upgrade the showers/restrooms it is a small price to pay. They are old, cramped, and do not offer any means of giving privacy when either adults or scouts of different genders are in the campsites. We had several times when people did not realize someone was already using the facilities and ended up with either mixed genders present at the same time or adult/youth at the same time. We looked at them as a youth protection nightmare sorely in need of upgrading.
  6. I got an email on Friday titled Monthly Renewal Information with a list of everyone whose is scheduled to expire on August 31. Those parents should have also received notification on Friday, and I will be contacting them individually to be sure they did receive it and to confirm their status for the upcoming pack year.
  7. Most but not all of the Scout Reach programs in our area are school based programs rather than traditional units.
  8. Actually there is a form in the project workbook. Eagle_Scout_Service_Project_Fundraising_Application.pdf
  9. Just a guess.... GSUSA may well be ok with seeing us rebrand as Scouting America but would consider it a bridge too far if all we do is drop the word girl from their name.
  10. Scout shops were given a limited number of the newest uniform shirt that has a QR code sticker put on the receipt asking for feedback before committing to a full roll out. It makes sense to me that if we are going to incorporate the name change on uniforms going forward that it will cost nothing more to have the new version branded accordingly. (by the way, I have one of those new shirts; better fit and much more comfortable than the last revision) I would also expect that they will do as they have with every other revision to uniforms or literature and continue to sell current stock before putting anything new out, the exception being the new Cub handbooks, since that is a major overhaul to the program and requires pulling any remaining stock off of the shelf.
  11. One of our most popular weekend events is an annual wilderness survival weekend. This despite the fact that most of our scouts have already earned the MB.
  12. How about going back to an earlier version?
  13. While I was not involved in Cub Scouts at the time, a quick Google search brought up an article from the September-October 2008 edition of Scouting Magazine detailing how to use those beads, along with the white diamond that held the lanyards for them as a part of Tiger Cub advancement and immediate recognition. How to use beads to encourage Tiger Cub advancement - Scouting magazine
  14. Go back to late July/early August of 2020 and you will see more explicit examples of why the OP was angry about one specific affinity group at the last NOAC. While the only affinity group I attended that week was a NESA group I knew exactly what and whom he was angry about, as a very crowded dining hall found me at an empty space at a table with the person he described in detail several times. In the 20 or so minutes I was there I found the young man personable and polite. If anyone remembers the conversations right after NOAC there is no doubt what the OP was referring to at that time or what he is referring to in this thread.
  15. Had I not spent 2/3 of my life in the public school system CiS may well have been the first I heard it used as well. Due to many years in elementary, middle school, and high schools it is a term that I am very familiar with and use often.
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