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    Lynbrook, NY

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  1. For clarification, our SM did not speak to the OA election team. He inquired with the Adult Advisor on both occasions. Last year, the Scout was added. This year it was a different and “older” Advsior, with a different outcome. Going forward, we now know what is right and as Scouters we will not interfere. Learning lesson for all. Thanks again for the advice and comments.
  2. Thank you all for the advice and links. Looks like an opportunity for all to grow. This happened last year, were a Scout missed it by a single vote, but the OA election team took his nomination based on the SMs advice. This is what started the conversation with them last night.
  3. Hi all. I need to pick your collective brains. We held our OA elections last night. Six Scouts were eligible. There were 23-24 Scouts present and 11 votes were needed for a Scout to be elected. One Scout received eight votes and therefore will not be tapped out. The Scoutmasters feel this one Scout is not only the most qualified out of the group, but also the most deserving due to his selflessness, unwavering commitment to serve, dependability, and Scout skills. He is the one Scout that would not do a "sash and dash." In past elections, it appears that a SM had the discretion to put a worthy Scout forward. Is this still the case? The OA election team indicated that this is no longer so, but failed to provide the source. If this is fact, so be it and the Scout will be placed on next year's ballot and we will use this year as a learning tool. However, we would like to know where this is stated. Thank you for any assistance that you can provide.
  4. ‘Mornin all. Long-time lurker who has finally registered. I was a Cub and Boy Scout with Pack/Troop 176 out of Quantico, VA (USMC brat). Currently serving as an ASM for my son’s Troop and ACM for our Pack in Oceanside, NY. I have served as a Den Leader, Cubmaster, and COR for the Pack as well. I earned my Beads as an Antelope on course N2-386-14 and recently completed my Ordeal. My daughter is also in Scouting, having bridged from Daisies, to Brownies, and now Juniors. Looking forward to sharing some coffee around the virtual campfire.
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