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scotteg83 last won the day on January 6 2019

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About scotteg83

  • Birthday 11/15/1983

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    Auburn, Maine
  • Occupation
    Scoutsmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, District Chairman

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  1. And there is the big factor. Most councils are luckily to keep up with 1 camp, let alone 4.
  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but if the council folds, national steps in, and sells everything that's left to square up any debt.
  3. While I agree with you 100%, this case is a little different. This council (my council), due to previous unchecked SE and board, caused us to go almost 2 million in debt. This year was supposed to be the year to lower that debt. Obviously with everything cancelled, we haven't even scratched the surface. The Council has done everything possible to lower expenses, and went from projected going belly up mid year, to end of August, and now looks like they can push it till November. Once November hits, without incoming money, they will not longer be able to pay bills, salaries (limited staffing) and expenses, and will fold. The camp they are looking to sell would give them more then enough to get the loans back in-line, and help rebuild the program council wide. The Council board has been infused with newer members and the SE is new this year, so there is better hope not to repeat this all over again. The current working plans is to sell to a group that will allow Scouting to happen at the camp, as most councils do nowadays anyway, They just have to find the right group and work out the right deal. There was a vote a year ago to do the same thing, but they didn't pass it, hoping to have a better year to make things happened, and it didn't, so its already too late now.
  4. Yeah, I know there’s no true replacement. just was hoping there’s something between Itls and NYLT to jump start their learning
  5. Our local council only runs one NLYT a year, and canceled this year to COVID-19 concerns. We send out SPL and ASPL every year (assuming they haven't already gone). This year our newly elected SPL and appointed ASPL will not have that option. I am really holding out that our Council can pull a late fall or early winter one, but I doubt it will happen. If our local councils offer one in a nearby state, I might be able to send them. But until that is figured out, is there any online training videos, or virtual meetings that might help them to perform better? I have personally witness the growth and leadership our scouts have earned coming out of NYLT. I know they only get out what they put in, and they were good scouts to begin with, but it truly stepped up their game. thanks for any help or thoughts
  6. Don't know anything more than the article says, but I do know Frank Maguire, he's one of our oldest still active Scouters in my council.
  7. yup, thats where my troop was planning to attend
  8. Honestly, I wish you well, but in today's world, I doubt you will make any headway with this. You would have better luck joining/supporting an already existing Boy's only group, then to "invent" your own. Maybe you can get them to re-brand to include Boy in the name (but nothing "Boy Scout", cause that would be taken to court). Starting a ground up program would require 1 to start, and then enough attention to grow
  9. our local council furloughed two out of three District executives, actually terminated by eliminating the position of program director, and may furlough the remaining DE if things stay too long. We are on the verge of canceling summer camp, which is the only real income, and the council is already 1 million in debt to the bank. This will be a hard bounce back for us. We were only 15% through our FOS campaign, and now went to an individual mailed flyer, but no one in their right mind is going to spend "extra" money right now. Our Governor did a stay at home order starting at midnight, which means the registrar will be home without charter inputting access. The Scout Executive is new as of this year, and luckily was temporary living at the training center across the street from the council offices, so I guy he will be a one man show.
  10. I would dare to say the Scout also failed themselves. I know most will only do what they have for options, but you mean to tell me a scout never wants for more and finds like minded people? So you're shocked about the 6 years no summer camp, did you ask the scout if he even wanted to go? Is the scout 18? I would have pushed him to go back to his troop and push the other scouts that its not too late to demand a better program.
  11. https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2020/03/18/good-turns-during-the-coronavirus-acts-of-scouting-service-you-can-do-from-home/
  12. I would call local old folks homes and ask if there's anything your scout can do to help. Make videos or cards to send. Maybe they have a special need that you can gather at home and mail in. You can also reach out to animal shelters and see what their need is. You could run a food donation drive with drop off service, so no one has to get out of their car. Social distancing doesn't mean the world stops.
  13. With the current unknown, it was suggest by my committee that we have a backup plan if COVID-19 closes summer camp this summer. We have access to a water front camp for the week. It has its Pro/Cons, but I was wonder what some of you have done in the past to host your own week of camp. The camp will have a cabin with bunks for the adults, and room for the scouts to have tents. Canoes are provided as well. Thanks for any input. Currently we have 14 scouts and 5 leaders planning to go to camp. I am also an ASM for a girls troop, and will offer a similar backup plan for them (just on a different week) Scott
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