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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. I have had Columbia boots for over two years now and they work great. They are not too expensive, I got mine for under $100 on sale.
  2. 2nd week of staffing resident camp done. It’s exhausting but fun!

  3. As I just finished my 2nd week on staff, I have a few tips. -Bring a hamper for dirty laundry so they don’t shove it all into their foot locker - Backup power charger for adults (our power has gone out 4 times already this summer, once for a while day) - If not in first aid clip, nail clippers. I have seen SO many scouts ask the health officer to help with ingrown toenails, but isn’t allowed. Ill think of more eventually
  4. See you all next Saturday! First week of camp for me.

    1. RememberSchiff


      Enjoy and Excel.


  5. I’m from a small Troop as well, some positions we have no need to fill such as webmaster. But we a few years ago when we were really small we did have some scouts with two positions. Nothing wrong really with having two positions. I find it would look awkward with two positions sewed onto the shirt.
  6. I have first hand witnessed the treatment of autistic scouts/special needs scouts through the day camp I worked at last year and also through clinical trips I have done. Some are just not educated on how to help them or their “triggers”. The committee chair may be a fantastic person, but is awkward when it comes to special needs children. Have you tried talking to the committee and educating them? If it keeps getting worse or continues, use the 24hour hotline @RememberSchiff provided above. I would contact the COR for help, as they are above the committee chair.
  7. I would just do whatever is equivalent to the cost of the trip. I would do day trips for the weekend, such as, museums, local parks, etc.. It’s better than sleeping in a tent for two days, but can still be fun for the cub scouts.
  8. I used cornstarch and let it sit for a while for a grease stain then washed it.
  9. I just had to do all that for a resident camp in PA. It’s expensive.
  10. Has he looked into explorers? It seems fun & interesting, but none of them are around me.
  11. At least they give a scholarship for completing a requirement / giving back to the community.
  12. I’m more afraid of forgetting how to do a specific thing, even though I know that I know everything that will be taught.
  13. From reading on this forum, many districts do not provide information on special needs scouts. A SM with no experience of how to help special needs scout will run the scout of the troop.
  14. I’ll start being inactive starting Sunday due to working at a resident camp. 

  15. Nothing wrong about asking for something they have. I doubt they would keep a copy if they wouldn’t give it to the scout if they lost it. I would be proud that your son asked the district himself even though he felt like it would affect him. Ill be in his shoes in a few months, I just need my two meeting with the district for the final BOR.
  16. Depends on how big your troop is. The bigger, you may not give tents. We have 11-12 scouts and are only one patrol. We did try two patrols but we ended up becoming one at all camping trips anyway. We supply tents, all cooking supplies, Dutch oven, stove(s), and more.
  17. Does your district keep a copy of the workbook? I know mine does, they took a completed copy of mine.
  18. If I pushed myself, I could’ve got eagle at 14. But I didnt, I wanted to enjoy my time. The reason why I believe that first class should not be achieved in the first year is because then they don’t fully experience and learn completely. Let’s say, first class in a year and a 1/2, they will have a 1/2 year more knowledge in scouting. It may make no sense, but from my youth perspective it does. Many scouts get Eagle and think they are done and leave. (I’m not saying all scouts do that, I know many involved Eagles) Those Scouts will have more knowledge by getting Eagle at 16 rather than 13.
  19. I don’t think David meant transgenders as bad people or wierdos, I believe he just thinks they are not normal since it’s common in this generation.
  20. Great story. Just wondering, how long ago was 7 years later?
  21. As I said I will be working in the first year program, if anyone who has staffed one or even watched some of the programs could give me some tips. I don’t want to go into too much detail or too less, and don’t want to make it boring. Unfortunately I am missing staff week and the first week of camp due to PA ending school before me. Any advice would be great.
  22. I read the first 3 sentences of the second paragraph and thought “I would’ve quit by now”.
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