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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. I think AHA teaches compression only for those who just want a basic knowledge since they may find it too demanding to do 30:2 if they are alone.
  2. I have my EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) cert, which I forget the name of the organization that I got it from. I also have BLS for Health Care Providers since I’m in a nursing vocational HS, which was done through AHA. I also had regular First Aid/CPR through AHA which recently expired, but doesn’t matter since I have BLS. I plan on starting EMT in the fall if time allows. I personally enjoy AHA more than RC, but that’s just my opinion. AHA still does teach 30:2 if you take the First Aid / CPR course and above. From what I’ve researched previously since I was interested in WFA was that it is somewhat similar to EMR besides the fact it’s mostly wilderness.
  3. Venmo allows you to hide your transaction to where only you can see it. I use it personally for little things if I go out with friends, forgot money, etc. My troop uses something similar, but I forget what it is called.
  4. We have burgundy shirts with a white design + text. We get compliments all the time about our color and design since you rarely see anyone with that color.
  5. All I need to say, if there was a google docs version I would probably get at least 2 hours of my life back due to Acrobat being outdated and a hassle.
  6. It is the adult leaders from what I heard - and they also met on the night of my troop meetings.
  7. I’m looking for any tips, suggestions, etc for my upcoming Eagle Court if Honor in June. If anyone has any advice please post it!
  8. I was elected for the OA in my troop, but I declined it. It depends on the scout, see what your scout wants to do. I’ve heard our lodge isn’t the best which also steered my decision.
  9. Yes... biggest thing and shocked that it came up this late. Espescially if you have a group of younger scouts (or work in first year like I do), it could drive you insane. There will be nights where you had a bad day or you are extremely exhausted and you just need to take a nap or go to sleep early. You’ll be thankful for a minute of sitting in your cabin or tent without anyone bothering you. It was actually one of the first things the camp leadership told us.
  10. Lucky!! I had to come home every weekend due to being under 18. Same for this year.. I’m jealous you have cabins.
  11. Hey! I am currently a scout, and I have worked at a summer camp last year and this summer as well. Highest Suggestion: Don’t bring your footlocker, go to Walmart and buy one of those plastic drawers to keep your clothes in. Trust me, I’m getting one this year. Make sure to bring a backpack with you as you will be on the move, depending on the program area you are in. I was in the first year scout program, so I was always on the move. What program area are you going to be in? Do you have to come home each week due to being under 18? (If you are under 18) Finally, you will have the best summer of your life. The camp I worked at was 3 hours away in another state and I still talk daily with the friends I made from there. Trust me, you will find your group of friends quickly. Feel free to ask any other questions!
  12. I have pretty bad year round allergies - and I even work at a summer camp during the summer. My best friend was Allegra. It’s honestly probably the way I could’ve survived. Does your son get allergy shots (I do), or take OTC medicine to help with symptoms?
  13. I don’t see why not. You never really “finish” scouting.
  14. Haha, that post was over a year ago. I sure have learned a lot since then. Thanks for the tips though!
  15. Our council raised the prices to $10 last year... so much harder to sell.
  16. Correct! Forgot to mention that. Counselors/instructors have a master sheet of who did what (since some like to skip), and then usually each unit of their scouts gets a copy at end of week.
  17. As a nursing student (in high school), HIPAA can be easily broken and it would require training for every volunteer. If BSA adopted HIPAA guidelines, I feel like it would exteremly hard to enforce at a troop level and could create many issues.
  18. Welcome! For my second year I will be staffing a summer camp as a first year scout instructor. I understand what you’re talking about when it comes to those special activities at camp. Counselors/instructors show the scout how to do it, but due to usually larger group sizes and time limits, it’s not possible to make sure each scout has it mastered. It should not be a problem about signing off requirements from summer camp, BUT, the scoutmaster or whoever does requirements should review and debrief what the scout learned. It makes me upset when I have scouts tell me that their leader didn’t check their ability to do the requirement since I know some did forget after learning it. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as the scouts knowledge is tested. It shouldn’t be an automatic sign off though.
  19. Im currently going back to a summer camp for my second year as a first year scout instructor (Called something else, but then nobody would know what it means). It’s physically impossible for an instructor to check every scout on their skills when the ratio is usually 1:14. This may affect instruction if one needs more attention, but there are solutions. Anyway, the lack of supplies due to camp funding is also a big issue. Sometimes we didn’t have enough compasses for each scout, or the rope we had wasn’t in the best shape. We make it work though, we didn’t let it affect the scout’s skills.
  20. I honestly didn’t even think of that, I will do that tonight. Thank you!
  21. It’s almost official! My EBOR went fantastic, the scouter from the district was amazing. We talked for almost 2 hours about all different kinds of stuff and it was great! Thanks to everyone who answered my questions on here. My scouting journey has only just started. Now the final thing to do is to drop off the application at council to get sent to national.
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