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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. I don't mind if the trading post has sugar snacks, junk food, etc. as long as it's eaten in moderation. Some scouts yes, would buy the entire store. Instead, I maybe buy two slushies, and candy bar the whole week.
  2. So does mine! Anyway, since you have limited space I really think you could run it like a Troop meeting. Do opening ceremony together, but then you would break out into dens. In a troop, you would break out into your patrol. If your legion has an outside area like mine does. maybe have each DL plan something for outside and rotate weekly so it isn't as crowded if space is small. I remember as a Cub Scout we went over our DL's house a lot, maybe you could have the Tigers go to their DL's houses. If you give me a rough estimate of how big the hall is I can probably suggest more ideas.
  3. Wow! Nice to see scouting worldwide can help one another.
  4. My troop went to Bashore this summer, said they loved it and the food was the best they’ve had! (I had to work that week at a day camp)
  5. It's still expensive no matter what, to be honest. If you make it at home, probably can make three+ cups for how much you pay for one.
  6. Question, where does your pack meet? Church, school?
  7. I guess units are suppose to be bill collectors, but they don’t need to if it’s one payment.
  8. Sorry for confusing you! I haven’t done my project yet, and so far the only big funding I’ve gotten was from the two grocery stores. Like I said above my ES Coach said someone can buy the gift card donated and then I use the money to fund my project (whatever left over goes to beneficiary.) So basically it’s like changing it from a gift card to money.
  9. That is not going to be effective at all. I bet some troops won’t be able to attend summer camp, some adult leaders may not be able to get off for a week.
  10. Yeah, honestly mostly the long-time volunteers and adult volunteers I think will stop due to the increase, rather than new scouts.
  11. I’ve done that like 5 times today atleast, really should be further apart.
  12. Just saw this. That’s how my Troop has been ever since I’ve gotten SPL (2 years ago). I have monthly PLCs, and then the reorganization meeting for planning everything over the summer. But, this was the first year the PLC has made the schedule, the CC use to get all ideas from us and then make it. Instead, we made it this year. I really think it’s going to be a good year for us as a scout-led troop.
  13. First, SORRY! I clicked the down arrow instead of the up (on phone). Anyway, some troops do think OA takes you away from your troop. Especially if the OA meetings are the same day as the Troops meeting. Some don’t want to miss meetings, or adults don’t want them to miss meetings since it’s mostly ‘senior’ scouts that do OA.
  14. Yeah, especially if the parents are newly crossed over the troop should have a parent information session, to explain how Boy Scout works, what a merit badge is and how to earn the, and other parent stuff. That’s what my troop had to do, parents who had no idea what a merit badge was.
  15. Yea, I’m aware all money goes to beneficiary if left over. Thanks for your advice!
  16. Thanks! (You see, I didn’t click the down arrow haha)
  17. Yeah, I planned on that, but I have $225 as of right now in grocery gift cards. I mean like after I spend like $50 on snacks, food, etc. then "convert" to money.
  18. OA to my troop and I nothing special anymore. It's too simple to get into now. You camp a weekend, do a service project, done. Two of my friends did it, but they hated it. I was chosen to go to an ordeal, but it's just not worth it. (This is my opinion)
  19. So, I've been getting donated gift cards from grocery stores.. recently got a $175 one. My Eagle Scout Coach said that someone can buy it from me. Basically, it would be transferring the gift card into a monetary donation. What do you guys think about this? I personally don't want to do this.
  20. Wow.. that's a lot. I don't see the need for that if National has insurance built into the dues?
  21. Anyway, responding to the 2nd part of your post, I've seen other members shift priorities, never someone in a key leadership role though. I can understand why he wants to change his priority. Also, this is Boy Scouts... not the military and so...
  22. You're going to see my rep as -200 pretty soon because of you .
  23. Maybe the extra fee your Council is charging will be gone now due to the National rise?
  24. Just found this now... Worked at a day camp all summer... no cubs were allowed to go to the pool (we go weekly to the community pool for swimming requirements) due to Council not having a contract. The camp always had everything, you needed something they went right out and bought it. They don’t have vendors so to say, a lot from amazon and retail stores. New staff has no clue what to do their first week. Highly suggest never go to any summer camp the first week.
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