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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. Really?? 6 months is not a long term to gain experience or make a difference in the troop. My troop has them yearly, and it’s usually suggested don’t run again after two terms, not a rule though just kinda so others step up.
  2. Science says otherwise... see links below. https://www.livescience.com/48969-heart-disease-diabetes-risks-carbohydrate-saturated-fat.html https://www.diabetes.co.uk/in-depth/carbs-higher-risk-heart-disease-states-leading-cardiologist-dr-salim-yusuf/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2844943/Why-fry-isn-t-bad-thought-Carbohydrates-risk-diabetes-heart-disease-saturated-fat.html https://health.clevelandclinic.org/2015/03/how-carbohydrates-can-affect-your-heart-health/ And that’s only a few articles.
  3. Basically some of you are talking about PERSONAL experience. Not everyone is the same right?
  4. Thing is, they don't know if it's even true! Only a rumor.
  5. Not shocked. Patriots Path is my Council, and everyone I know says the camp is underfunded and horrible. Apparently the Cub Scout day camps get more funding, but can’t confirm that.
  6. I couldn’t find anything saying that they can’t, but if you guys do or know please let me know. I really want to do the cycling merit badge with my mom since it’ll make life easier ( and I’d rather not do 50 miles with someone I don’t know ).
  7. Adding on, most Cub Scout packs have their den & pack meetings during the week. It worked the best for my pack when I did Cub Scouts. (Now almost Eagle.)
  8. Exactly. People also think that if you eat a pound of bacon, that you will “burn it off†by the end of the day. That’s not how your body works. All that sodium can not be “burned offâ€. The calories technically can yes, but figuratively speaking no. This is why they need education.
  9. What happened to BSA not allowing any gambling? Also that is true, my town use to do a town wide garage sale, before another troop took it over.
  10. Welcome! So, let’s look at the Pros and Cons for WEEKEND meetings PROS - Parents may be more active due to possibility of being off. - Scouts won’t have much homework - Scouts won’t be as tired - If morning or afternoon meeting, allows more activities to be done. CONS - Parents might have plans - Weekend camping trips will interfere - Parents want to spend time with their scout - Less will show up most likely - Parents may work Weeknight Meetings PROS - More active parents - Scouts will not be completely full of energy - Sports, after school activities, weekend trips, will not interfere - Access to your “dedicated scout room†- Scouts will be able to have plans with family or friends on weekend - And more I can’t think of. CONS - Scouts may be extremely tired - Homework - Dark You can work around planting trees at night, by having a weekend activity day and do all the stuff you can’t do at night on that one day on a weekend every so often if needed.
  11. Again, it’s more for the education on it I believe. Yes, it “ won’t matter “, but can still put you at risk for heart disease, etc.
  12. The study they did didn’t say summer camps causes obesity, but it can add-on to a unhealthy lifestyle. I think it was to see if more people will prefer healthy snacks if they know and are educated better.
  13. Hi, just a few tips. I joined a new troop and it was a little hectic in the beginning. Make sure the adult leaders are trained and know what they’re doing before the first meeting. I would suggest having your budget and all worked out, possibly make the schedule for the scouts since you are starting in the beginning of the ‘scouting year’ for this year only.
  14. I can't seem to find a reliable article about this, can you send where you found. UPDATE: Found it. https://www.lds.org/church/news/church-replacing-varsity-and-venturing-scouting-with-new-activities-program?lang=eng
  15. Scouts weren’t actually forced from what my troop had told me.
  16. @@MattR @@Eagledad @@qwazse Tonight, I had the ASPL lead the activities (see who knew what knots game), guide/instructor teaching about hiking (upcoming hike soon), and I was able to focus on my ES project. Just wanted to say thank you to the three of you!
  17. Have you tried contacting your school district to see if you could hold meetings there?
  18. @@Eagledad @@qwazse Thank you guys so much for all that advice. Here’s what I’m planning on doing: - have my ASPL retrain all non-leadership positions (such as chaplain aide, quartermaster, etc) - On camping trips send scout to PL that asks me something before talking to PL - have guide / instructors do more Thing is though, I had the guide and instructor teach one meeting, I was so bored it wasn’t even funny.
  19. @@Eagledad Sorry, I didn’t mean that like “I’m so great I’m the only one that can do itâ€, more like it’s one of my traits? I guess that’s how I would explain it. I was never taught how to lead either. I also kinda meant since they saw how nobody else did anything, meaning they could get away with it, but now I kind of set a “standardâ€? Might be confusing not sure. What would you say is the best way for them to gain leadership ability? They have 0 interest in being in a leadership position unfortunately.
  20. @@qwazse Noted. I also think they know they can't handle it, unfortunately (I didn't think I could either), past SPLs, now Eagles, say I'm the most efficient one the troop has ever had. I guess that may be a reason why they wouldn't want to run because they actually have to do something as SPL instead of adults doing it because of me? My troop HAD to be adult-led before I started growing up and gaining higher leadership roles because no scouts did anything. There was NEVER a PLC, CC always made the schedule, SM did all teaching. I fixed all of that gladly, now I made the schedule with help from the PLC. My troop is small(12), everyone knows each other. (besides the "ghost" parents). Basically, every parent knows every scout's name, so that wouldn't be a problem if someone gets told something no parent gets upset.
  21. @@Eagledad Everything you just is completely true! The thing is though I have the most issue with is having the PLs actually do their job. Not a single Pl in our troop has done their job. I’ve tried fixing it, and many other SPLs have too. Tonight at the PLC I’m requesting for the SM and I to talk to the PLs separate. They watch what I do, and they don’t want to do it. Reason why I get stuck doing it, this is my second year as SPL due to nobody else stepping up for elections. It honestly wears you out when you have to do most of it. Even worst thing is, I always have to teach! Senior scouts go above my head always to SM saying they want to help instruct but NEVER ask me! Then why I say they can teach, they don’t even prepare!
  22. Current SPL for my troop, I hate delegating, I know I should do it. I've been getting a lot better with delegating. it's so much easier doing it yourself instead of having others do it.
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