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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. @@NJCubScouter Another follow up from me as well, I went to Allamuchy for a hike this weekend and the reservation director said (who was just at sabattis recently)that it’s a beautiful camp and that’s it’s a shame that it may be closed... aren’t they voting today?
  2. As a current scout, I’ll share my present opinion as I experience this yearly. I agree and disagree with your reasonings. Not all summer camps are “MB assemnlylinesâ€, some actually coach, teach, whatever you want to call it. What I think you should emphasize on as well is the SIZE of classes, you only talk about that a little bit. Example, I was in a cooking class with at least 30 people (5+ picnic tables filled). We did not actually cook food, we boiled frozen chicken tenders. I think you should also include how the QUALITY of the classes can be ruined by the size and inexperienced instructor(s). I went to the bathroom once with a buddy during the class and they didn’t even notice I came back! I probably could’ve never came back and still got the requirements done for that day.
  3. For the climbing, cooking, and first aid merit badges, they should require adult interaction.
  4. @@Chadamus Sorry for the confusion! She’s not only doing my me, she’s also registering for other merit badges. My councils application says would you want to do your troop only, or the whole council. She checked off the whole Council. It’s also not only because of a stranger, but the counselors around me (from what I heard) don’t actually do the ride with you. They just wait at the end.
  5. I’ve never heard personally of boy talks in classrooms. Honestly, it’s mostly the parents who decide to sign up their childen for cub scouts. I would recommend do advertising in public (e.g. yard signs) and try to have the fantastic events you do published in the newspaper and then put contact info for joining! If parents like what is done, they will sign their child up. Same goes for Boy Scouts, when we did a recruitment night, we got maybe one scout because we did not advertise well enough. But, by using all the ideas listed above, we had gained 5 members. Also, children talk! Try to convince them to convince their friend to join. Same for parents.
  6. UPDATE: An ASM from my troop had explained to me that on a hot day that they had *stopped* selling ALL sugary drinks (soda, slushees, etc.) and only sold water.
  7. Agreed to all above. I would also say that the individual registration was sadly, a complete failure. I would rather have the deal with the pack registration because it guarantees more scouts. Also, if they show up the day of not registered charge a late fee or don’t even allow them! It’s the CUBMASTERS fault, not yours. Do you have yearly themes?
  8. Great idea, but would you’re Council be unhappy if you did this officially? The girls wouldn’t be covered by BSA insurance or anything as they wouldn’t be actual members.
  9. I agree with you! Webelos are at that age to where they know everything, and can do whatever they want. I noticed at the camp I had worked at, the wolves were better behaved than the webelos!
  10. This is my opinion, but I personally wouldn’t have my troop camping about a WEEK (emphasis) after the first meeting. You’ll be pulling gear and getting ready the 2nd meeting (assuming they’ll be weekly), doesn’t sound so exciting. I would personally teach them how to pack first, how to camp, spend the first few weeks learning... most new scouts probably haven’t camped before and have no idea what will be going on. Again, this is my opinion.
  11. If there was already a PLC for new year, a good SPL, you shouldn’t be worried! It’ll be a piece of cake, the SPL should be running most of the meeting! Did you take SM training online for information?
  12. My troop doesn’t ban anything because they know what they should eat. Closest thing to banning someone was not making the same meal for three campouts in a row! Haha.
  13. @@NJCubScouter I talked to a friend today about this! He works at Allamuchy, so he’s pretty reliable not just a random guy. Apparently the director for sabattis was promoted to run all the summer camps, so therefore I guess they can’t find a good enough replacement or something.
  14. @all of you So here’s a little bio about myself. Currently 15, enrolled in a Vocational school for Nursing. Currently SPL (2nd term) for my troop. Worked at a day camp all summer, first job ever. I help plan & run most of my troops fundraisers (flea markets, breakfasts, and now clothing drives this year!)
  15. Ok, we don’t go that extreme to where they need whole wheat. Just like instead of getting potato chips, get baked ones, but they taste just as good. We want the food to taste good.
  16. Ok, we don’t go that extreme to where they need whole wheat. Just like instead of getting potato chips, get baked ones, but they taste just as good. We want the food to taste good.
  17. They don’t. I never had any requirement signed off for any of those no Leadership less work positions. I wouldn’t allow the troop to do that.
  18. They don’t. I never had any requirement signed off for any of those no Leadership less work positions. I wouldn’t allow the troop to do that.
  19. Same for my troop, we always make sure to follow the nutrition guidelines. It still may not be the best food for you to eat, but it’s netter then having a pound of bacon. Example, we do scrambled eggs, toast, and a piece or two of porkroll (if not from NJ might not know what this is). And we never make too much like some troops do, which causes Scouts to get seconds 5 times.
  20. So places like Whole Foods are not allowed to sell healthy food then if that’s what you’re implying? What if that’s the closest store to me? They’re forcing me to buy stuff... Just a thought
  21. Carbs, anything can put you at risk for diabetes, heart disease, etc. Diabetes and a heart disease are *not* always heredity. I have studied it as a nursing student and if a parent doesn’t help show how they should eat at home, and continue at camp, then they’ll be just as bad. BUT, if they are educated at home, then come to camp and eat whatever, they probably won’t eat as healthy anymore before camp.
  22. @@NJCubScouter I didn’t know you were in Patriots Path! Yeah, Glen Gray was basically a heroic save since they made a separate company for the camp. It’s a beautiful camp and I love camping there! Have you ever been to Alpine scout reservation? My troop is planning on going there this year, I’ve never been there.
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