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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. We don’t go to a camporee every month, don’t even think my Council has them that often. We have a camping trip every month beside January, where we have a hike. We always do atleast one activity a month. We often go camping with just our troop and rent a camp on all different Scout reservations and have a fun time but while hiking, etc. It’s also great not following a schedule m, which is so relaxing. Example; We will be going camping next weekend and will be doing a hike, practicing first aid for upcoming first aid rally, etc.
  2. To respond to all at once, they know about merit badges, but they want nothing to do with it. I figured if we gave them a “step by step†(or something like that) so to say, The CC really wants us to do a presentation... Funny thing is, we have most of our troop MBCs have most eagle required ones (before someone says it’s no good, the MBCs have no Scouts in the troop). They are willing to help them but refuse to do a troop “classâ€, which is great because I hate them too. Then, at the COH last night we were talking about how all scouts that aged out have earned eagle, then the new scouts say “Guess I’m breaking itâ€, so they have no motivation either. But, they want to earn it so it’s a big cluster of issues. They like the activities and camping better and doesn’t want to do the MBs, advancing, etc. (who doesn’t?)
  3. Currently in a Vocational HS for nursing. We have just finished our communication unit Every conversation or message, whatever you want to call it has a: -Sender -Message -Receiver -Feedback In your case, -Sender (The other DL) -Message (A “annoying†email telling you how to do your position) -Receiver (you) -FEEDBACK (The most important in my opinion , you need to give FEEDBACK on how you feel.) You will be skipping a piece of the “cycle†by ranting on here and not saying how you feel in a polite way.
  4. I’m having trouble with new scouts doing merit badges outside of summer camp, but they haven’t been educated yet on how to do so, etc. Has anyone ever found/made like a “handout†to give to new scouts instead of a long boring presentation ?
  5. Thanks all, I was just curious, they decided to schedule a last minute COH (he ages out in December)..
  6. Troop has a specific version we use, we only use that one type. There is nothing to plan, but he chose the date. Our COH's are simple beside the "big" one we have combined with a christmas party.
  7. I have a friend who is working on communications and as some of you may know you must “serve as a master of ceremonies for a.COH.†But, my question is, are you required to serve while you are working on the badge? My friend has done it at least 3 times, but he did not do it while working on the badge. MBC says it’s valid, SM says no.
  8. Personally, a current Boy Scout, past Cub Scout here. My den if I can recall correctly, started us on Boy Scout "things" such as weekly quizzing on Scout Law, Oath, Motto, Slogan. Requirements were completely different for me, which was about 5 years ago. I suggest you read this, it plans for the year prior to transitioning to Boy Scouts. It is meant for a Troop on how they should transition their Webelo Scouts, but you can follow it if a troop is not doing it already. I read most of this, and it was pretty accurate and seems like a great resource. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/membership/pdf/Webelos_to_Scout.pdf Hope it helped.
  9. Personally not a great swimmer myself, but I managed to get over it by repeating to myself “It’s a one time thing, I won’t need to do it again†I love swimming, just not for distance. I am almost Eagle now, and have completed all the alternative requirements instead (E. prep, and soon to do cycling)
  10. I never said I don't believe owe a "duty" to my God, I just don't practice it. My whole entire family has a religion (myself included), but we just do not go to church weekly, pray as much as we should, etc, read bible, etc.
  11. I appreciate everything you have said - I plan on using "follow the Scout Law in your everyday life - if you are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean - you're doing your Duty to God"... Thanks to all posts above, but I won't be having a outcome anytime soon... my SM wants me to complete my last 2 merit badges before we discuss it again.
  12. Does your patrols have patrol meetings? We did one this weekend, just to let them “bond.â€, said to make a menu for a camping trip and they did. Simple as that. They behaved way above my expectations and acted mature.
  13. Current older scout with the same problem, beside the dropping out part. I’ve been getting stressed & annoyed with their behavior sometimes (refer to my previous posts). If your son a PL is having trouble, then you and him need to talk to the SPL. Where’s the APL, he should he helping? And someone has said above, if he really is that busy he needs to step down.
  14. I am assuming councils want the updated paper, as the words are reworded a little. I do not have a duty to God, I respect God, I put my head down during a quick benediction after each meeting, but I simply don't practice a religion. But, I was born as as a Christian.
  15. It’s the hassle of carrying around a new piece of paper that can easily get misplaced, ruined, etc. Not only worrying about me, but what about others as well? I’m ressponsible for my age, but doesn’t accidents don’t happen.
  16. I have a helicopter parent in my troop - but no where as big as a issue you have. Parent writes down all the requirements he needs signed off, writes down all the work for the requirement. I believe he’s Second Class. We know she (the mom) does all the work, and she has two sons in the troop. She’s even filling out her older sons Eagle Scout workbook (and basically did his whole project)! She even comes and disrupts every meeting.. Then, when the adults tell her not to, guess what, she keeps on doing it. We made it clear we won’t sign off on requirements if he doesn’t do/wrote it. His handwriting is to bad apparently. Wish you luck with your troop.
  17. A camporee in my Council had a class on fire safety and we were able to practice using a extinguisher. I suggest bringing it up to the event head for any upcoming events that could use another program. I have to say, I learned a lot and it was fun!
  18. Some Boy Scout Troops are “dedicated†to high adventure, treks, backpacking, etc.
  19. I’ve never had a issue before though, there has never been a issue before. Myself and the adult leaders have never, not even once have told them that much in one weekend to behave. I only had to tell them during that one task, then there was no need after that.Also, took them 1 hour (not exaggerating) to do clean up after dinner because they were fooling around (that’s when the ASM lost his temper). I wasn’t running that tight of a ship even, more like, asking them to help with the task.
  20. But there’s nothing to disagree with the other Scouts or partial leader?..:
  21. The adult leaders do stuff correct the majority of the time, which is fantastic, and I understand that 15 years olds can be wrong as wel. I’m not saying I’m perfect or anything haha.
  22. Unfortunately, my councils NYLT fills up quickly and is currently filled. During the summer I work to help pay for future college, due to me planning on getting my masters. I have not had a single issue leading during my two years, the scouts have suddenly changed which was odd.
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