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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. Exactly what I was thinking... less than 2 hours away from the camp I work at.
  2. Interesting. I feel around Memorial Day there will be spikes as well. I can’t see camps opening around me for the summer currently.
  3. I’ve been reading that many camps will be making a decision around May 15th, my camp included. We will see!
  4. That’s all I get anymore on here and YouTube ads!
  5. I think he means at check in. I know my camp is suppose to be doing temp checks/med checks as the first stop on Sunday.
  6. Wow. I can’t believe they’re doing first aid online. I use to work in the FY scout program, but I did instruct the first aid merit badge one week due to being short handed. I hated giving just lectures, so I did a bunch of scenarios with them and hands on practice. I don’t know how they could’ve learned by only lectures. I believe that it’s impossible to do the first aid merit badge online, unless they have every supply they possibly need to practice (which I’m sure they don’t, because who has a CPR dummy at home?).
  7. Sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think the first week of June will happen 😢. I don’t see how the 10 to 6 seats will make a huge difference, dining halls are cramped to begin with, making it impossible to spread out.
  8. Are they not doing online school? NJ DOE designed the online instruction to count towards the 180 days.
  9. That would depend if the other camps even allow out of state campers.
  10. Exact same thoughts. I hope they’re open since this is my last year on staff.
  11. I totally agree with you. If your son is immunocompromised due to a more serious chronic disease, then I wouldn’t send him. If it’s something like asthma, which is serious, but there are worse diseases. On a different note, I know my camp is doing business as usual. In a recent meeting, we aren’t even at the point to start buying all the supplies we need. The budget is the same as if it was a normal summer. I believe it’s too early to do that with everything going on. Everything you brought up is probably going through every council’s minds as well.
  12. That would be hard to work around. My camp would lose at least 5 staff members, plus the health officer (me). Not too sure how a 14 day quarantine would work at a camp for staff.
  13. If councils only allowed “locally attended”, then they would lose staff as well.
  14. You can even google a premade hike plan and get it in 20 seconds! I don’t understand either. I get that BSA is making it possible to advance, but these new standards are too low.
  15. I would’ve got Eagle so fast if I was able to do these revised requirements 😂... but I wouldn’t of learned the actual skills.
  16. Bashore Scout Reservation is the top on my list. It’s under $400 and includes all merit badge materials in it. It’s like 30 mins from Hershey. I can answer any questions in messages. And yes, SOME of PA camps. Haha
  17. Another reason why my troop goes to PA for camp... a lot cheaper! I suggest your troop possibly trying one in the future! I’ve gone to at least 3 PA summer camps and had all great experiences. I’ve had amazing experiences working at one for hopefully a 3rd summer. Best wishes with the scheduling.
  18. I saw that email that was sent out. I feel like the camps will be hurting this year if they open. I work at a camp in PA, but I’m in PPC.
  19. Same for me, I have no problem with being co-ed. If anything, it develops communications skills faster. I wish I had the time to join venturing. I like having co-ed, it makes everything a lot more fun and interesting. At the camps I’ve worked at, it’s been great to have a mix of everyone.
  20. Yeah I’m not too sure if high adventure camps are the best idea for this summer.
  21. Oh I’m aware, but I’m just say if the officials deem that x date is when they deem it safe to be in large gathers & all that stuff. I was talking more so if the officials said May 30th (Random date) is when it is safe for schools, camps, etc to open and operate. I would assume the council would cancel whatever weeks are before and during that time, then operate after that.
  22. I’m not sure why canceling the whole summer (if not needed) would be done. Every week is the same, the staff is in repeat mode. If the first 2 weeks gets cancelled, there’s still 5 weeks left. I know some camps are shorter, but the one I work at is 7 + staff week.
  23. I would assume they would want to only cancel maybe 2 weeks instead of the whole summer. It’s really hard to say what each council will do. There are going to be problems no matter what way it goes.
  24. I’m actually shocked the camp is planning to start at the end of May. That’s very close if you think about it. I have a feeling it will not be starting until later in June.
  25. I was thinking of an “if everything worked as it should” scenario. I agree with your previous statements, it’s certain underserved communities or uneducated (not in a bad way) parents may not be able to afford or detect certain underlying issues. I was thinking of the worst case scenario. Let’s say the curve flattens enough to where camp can be held. I don’t think councils will close camps if part C was the only issue. There would probably be something in place. That’s just my take, who knows. Yes, you mentioned BSA in their mess of issues going on right now. We can assume all we want but there’s so many directions BSA can go in.
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