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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. Saw on @WisconsinMomma status that her sons had completed the merit badge recently. Maybe she can offer more insight on this.
  2. My SM is a huge game board person, card games, etc. He always has these wacky games that no one has ever heard of but they are so fun!
  3. One thing I got knocked down about at my proposal was not having the full safety things listed. Make sure you put a map to hospital, a phone, a first kit.
  4. There isn’t training for every badge, not that I know of at least. There is a training program on myscouting about how to be a merit badge counselor. You don’t have to be like a master at the merit badge to become a counselor, know how to fulfill it. For your example, a scout should be the one picking the trails, etc. You should just be giving the ok.
  5. Same for us. We only have around 4-5 active registered leaders (2 are in college, so 7 total). We are a small troop too, only around 12 scouts so it’s easy to manage.
  6. It’s definitely not the program, it’s the adults/parents that provide it and how they interpret how it should be ran.
  7. The one I work(ed) (hopefully again this summer), this year is charging $336 for a CS, $356 for a non member, and it’s less for a tiger/parent, but still in the hundreds.
  8. Exactly! Nothing wrong with pushing it. I pushed mine 5 months since I got a job at my local day camp & I didn’t want to rush through it before I started!
  9. No, but only had around 3-4 CITs, forgot to include them. They are kinda volunteers too.
  10. I take A&P and Human Biology (and some other stuff) my Junior and Senior year at my vocational HS as part of my medical program. (Yes they are college credits)
  11. All the day camps in my Council & another Council near me pays their staff. They only have around 10 volunteers a week, and around 30 paid staff. The daycamp I staffed was at a local reservation.
  12. I was going to say the same thing but you beat me to it. Meeting for your project with council is usually monthly (at least in my Council). Are you sure you can get it approved, and get all the materials/volunteers? I thought I could do mine with a month gap, but oh I was wrong
  13. I wouldn’t suggest funding it yourself, it’ll teach you a lot by going out and asking for donations from everyone. Sure helped me. I know a Eagle in my troop that paid for most of it but paid himself back once he received funding. Ask a local printing store (Do they even have those still?), Staples, UPS, FedEx, and I’m sure one of them will at least offer discounts.
  14. How are going to raise funds for printing materials, etc? A month isn’t a lot of time, I thought I could raise all my money within a month (I needed around $600) so I ended up pushing it. I would provide you online grants that aren’t easy to find but you need to apply 4-6 weeks in advance.
  15. It will be a great project. I misunderstood until he explained his project in detail.
  16. It sounds like a case-by-case thing. Your district has a Eagle Scout chair or something along those lines (I forget the exact name), and he can answer definite questions. Some councils may have their own guidelines.
  17. Gotcha. How is the city government the main beneficiary when you are helping organizations promote voting?
  18. This is just my opinion, but I don’t know if this would be approved due to it not benefiting a organization. It’s more political than helping. If it somehow does get approved, you’ll need everyone’s signature probably. You can always ask your council or district eagle chair. I would make sure to always have a backup plan.
  19. I’m assuming you are a youth? So am I! I just completed my project in September 2017. The proposal you want to be detailed, but not to detailed since you still have to explain all your plans to the council person. I wouldn’t say in my opinion recruiting volunteers isn’t really a “project that will benefit the community”, I would personally remove that aspect and just do it as a troop activity. There should only one beneficiary (as far as I know), since the project is meant to benefit usually one organization. May I ask what your complete project would be?
  20. I have the same problem as you. Same exact thing, rarely come to meeting always has “homework” (he lives ACROSS the street.) Hasnt gone camping for months, and never even wanted to be in scouting, it’s all his mother. I’m not upset he got rejected at the post-plan. He didn’t have his fundraising form filled out/signed. He has never been SPL or any other major role(refused to be it). My SM told him straight up at his scout master conference that has to get more involved and actually do his job as a guide. I wish you luck trying.
  21. That is so cheap!!! All the camps in NJ and PA are from 330-450
  22. I was the “new quiet scout” when I first joined my troop. I wasn’t PL or anything, I went straight to ASPL and that’s when I broke out of my “shell” and started leading (The SPL ended up leaving due to family reasons halfway through). I can say that being SPL forced me to learn a whole bunch of things, I’m even better at public speaking. It just depends on what the scout makes out their “leadership development”
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