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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. All we say is “May the great scoutmaster be with us until we meet again”
  2. Incase you didn’t know, you don’t need a child in scouting to volunteer in scouting. My SM’s sons both got eagle and aged out and he’s still here.
  3. I know at least 5 scouts in my troop wouldn’t be able to afford it as well.
  4. I agree. I’m glad my parents got me into scouting which taught me all of that.
  5. It’s required I thought for some positions? My moms the new member coordinator and it says “you must take this training in order to be qualified for this position” or something along those lines.
  6. I’m confused, why can’t you be involved in scouting if there are no BSA4G troops?
  7. I don’t disagree. Just didn’t want to be the first person to say that . I watched for a little of my moms (she’s not a die hard scouter so she doesn’t know too much), and I was like any person that has been in scouting can easily answer this. I thought of it like this, a Eagle who has been in scouting his whole life, has to spend 1+ hours learning what he’s known for 5+ years?
  8. My mom has recently been approved as a MBC and I suggested she take the MBC training on my.scouting. When I was helping her get it set up, I realized that you could skip through the whole thing right to the quiz and "pass" the course within minutes. Is this a bug or does the BSA simply not mind?
  9. Our troop is too small to support a 10 hour trip... we don't even go past 4 hours for summer camp.
  10. Looks great! Wish we had that around me.
  11. I would assume not since they would be liable for you and you wouldn’t be covered if anything due to not being a member, meaning no insurance.
  12. I know one Camp had us go to a nearby cabin due to our distance from the dining hall.
  13. Just because you’re trained doesn’t mean you’re good.
  14. Ask the landlord if anything needs to be done or can help with.
  15. Yeah that’s my Troop too. We don’t have like permanent “you can only do this” roles, more of like yours, but thankfully one of our ASMs was a scouter and was a camp director for years. Meaning, he has experience in a lot of things.
  16. I know I was bored last year, it was information that was wayyy too extra. I believe each section was around 5-10 mins and there was like 6 sections? Apologies if I’m wrong, it’s been a year.
  17. Don’t most ASMs usually have different roles? (Advancement, camping, etc) Or is that only a Troop thing?
  18. But it’s my first time ever being able to use it in a sentence!
  19. Agreed. I had to teach myself how to be SPL and how to lead. I stepped up from ASPL since the SPL quit suddenly. I’ve been SPL for 2 years now. (I’m officially done in a few weeks!). I guess I had to teach myself right if I won scout of the year in my district last year.
  20. Only if I had someone like you as my den leader. Unfortunately I had to teach myself mostly during the beginning. The Troop I joined has teached me a lot and did help a lot.
  21. Is it a completely different layout than the previous hazardous weather training or is it the same? I took it last year, but is it different now?
  22. I talked to someone that attends the same vocational school that I do and he is in that Troop I passed on. It’s still the same as when I visited. The SPL & ASPL does not care about advancement. (The ASPL didnt even know what rank he was...). I have personally seen the leaders curse to the scouts at camporees. I grew up around some of those leaders and that’s another reason why I passed on that Troop.
  23. I disagree. Read my post above for info about my troop. I would say atleast 1 ASM:10 scouts. Our SM and ASM always do different tasks and it makes the SM’s and I’s life easier.
  24. My troop has 12 scouts, 2 ASMs (one active at every meeting & does advancement, and then we have one that works all the time so he mainly fills in for camping.). If YOU think you have enough, and the program is going smoothly, then why add more to the mix? If your Troop is as good as it sounds, I see no reason why unless a current ASM has to step back or if you need more help. You have a ratio of 1:10 about for active leaders: youth. That’s not bad, and I’m sure you’re handling it fine.
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