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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. My troop does not like reusing Gatorade, Powerade, plastic water bottles, because it’s just how we are and I don’t disagree. It may be environmentally friendly, but is it safe for you? The plastic especially in water bottles are not meant to be used over and over from my knowledge.
  2. Just ordered a Camelbak, if this one isn’t nice I’ll end up buying a Nalgene. CamelBak Chute Mag Water Bottle, 32oz, Bluegrass https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07664SN5V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_0681Ab77FYTNW
  3. It doesn’t keep your water cold or somewhat cold and if I work at a day camp again it’ll be in the sun for 6 hours.
  4. Recently broke mine, and can't find one that is big enough (prefer 32oz), can easily clip onto my belt with a carabiner, and will keep the water somewhat cold without being too heavy. I'm trying to not spend more than 30 dollars because I mean who wants to spend that much on one.
  5. I actually don’t disagree with almost everything you said. There is no reason why adults can not share their knowledge. A child can’t learn unless they learn from adults. How do you think I know all of the things I know today? You think someone my age taught me? I’m assuming you also have somewhat a small troop which is why the adult leaders need to split with the younger scouts. If so, we have the same issues & do the same. We only have 3 older scouts (1 is ready to get Eagle and leave so technically 2). Anyway, the only thing that I disagree with is the adults doing the KP. Come on now... KP doesn’t take that long. Back on topic, my favorite thing in scouting to learn is first aid. (I’m still a youth if you haven’t gotten that yet) I mean it could just be me, but I enjoy doing scenarios with friends, such as stretcher relays, medical scenarios, and ones where you have to think.
  6. Oh I’m aware. But I was talking about on my.scouting how it still says “man”, I just stumbled across the district one while looking at the other ones.
  7. Not on my.scouting.org. It reads "Committee Chairman" And doing a quick search on scoutshop.org, the district one stills reads "chairman".https://www.scoutshop.org/insignia/insignias/district-emblem-chairman-267.html
  8. That’s not right. The SPL must’ve been greedy, “power hungry”, or the one scout that was left out and wanted attention. I don’t know if this is considered hazing or “over the top”, but if I find something I simply ask (even if I know it’s theirs) if it is there’s and when they say yes, I just hand it back and let it be done. Simple as that.
  9. When will they change “Committee Chairman” to “Committee Chair” then?
  10. I remember seeing on one of our day camp emails where it was something like “if you’re under 18 and call me please make sure to have an adult around”
  11. I’m sure it’ll be alive until your sons earn Eagle.
  12. The communication rule where you have 2 leaders has always been required. If it wasn’t in YPT, it was in something.
  13. In all honesty, if you have a good PLC it shouldn’t always take 30 minutes for a regular monthly meeting. It takes us about 15-20 minutes for all meeting plans, upcoming events, etc. I may get banter for asking this, but why not switch troops if this one is dysfunctional?
  14. Only if any of us were logical enough to think about that.
  15. Update: A leader ended up finding a somewhat inflated soccer ball in the lake and we ended up playing catch, whoever can get the ball first, and more. Everyone had a fun time, and the new scouts learned how to canoe. FYI: we ended up throwing out of the soccer ball after using it for the weekend
  16. We’re trying to not get the scouts wet since it was going to be cold, we didn’t plan on it going from 20 degrees to 80 degrees in a day. If we knew it was going to be like summer, we would’ve planned with bathing suits, etc.
  17. Should’ve included this... it’s around 6 scouts first time.
  18. We are camping this weekend and canoeing for most of Saturday. I know some games you can play in canoes such as tag and infection. Any other games anyone knows of?
  19. We are camping this weekend and canoeing for most of Saturday. I know some games you can play in canoes such as tag and infection. Any other games anyone knows of?
  20. Then get rid of the other 12-14?? No need to have extra people if they don’t do anything. Just say you don’t need that many you that they’re not active.
  21. I completely ignored the fact they have 20 as well, that is a whole different problem. Only reason I can think of is that parents want to be involved but not actually camp. Meanwhile... I’m struggling with 4 here.
  22. Well, seems like you’re in a decent sized troop. I don’t have that issue due to the fact we only have 4 committee members and a new member coordinator. If a committee members does not to sit in on BORs, then why should they have to if they attend meetings, etc? I mean, they are volunteering. Tell your CC and committee members to go on my.scouting.org and take the committee member module. I believe it’s either around or over a hour. My mom took that and it helped her a lot.
  23. Easy! ASPL- - Chooses who opens/closes (we change weekly) - Runs all games/activities - Fill in for me - Runs all programs (he just ran the shakedown on Wednesday for the Jr. scouts when I was talking with the adults!) - And probably some simple ones I’m leaving out SPL (me) - - Delegate - Plans fundraisers/programs - Run fundraisers (Currently planning a clothing drive & incharge of the email for our new pickup service) - Run PLC - Advancement (we don’t have any guides or instructors, small troop).
  24. Agrreeeed. My first term I was “guided” to choose the runner up. It. Was. Horrible. If you saw my other posts about the parent always trying to blame something on me, that was her son I had to choose. (I didn’t have the courage to say no then) 2nd term? I picked whoever I wanted, and it is great. Funny thing is at our recent meeting, I asked what date we should have elections and each leader out of the 3, said one month further than usual. I don’t think they realize I have a medical terminology college class & more next year...
  25. I personally do not like the ASPL -> SPL. What if he doesn’t want to be ASPL and then SPL? I mean, that’s how it usually works but still. The way my troop and every Troop around us do it is the SPL is elected first, then SPL chooses ASPL, then PLs are elected.
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