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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. It depends on the scout. I am the SPL of my Troop currently (my term ends in a week!), and I was elected twice. So I started the summer before 9th grade, and I did not feel like I was ready for it. Turned out that I underestimated myself and I could do it. There are no requirements but it depends on the scout. If your scout feels like he can do it, then he can do it.
  2. Bring a hoodie and long pants... I worked at a day camp and somehow it was freezing often.
  3. I feel like that I would feel the same way your son did. I don’t like saying I’m perfect or fantastic, since nobody is perfect. When you’re SPL for a while, I have been it for 2 years (small Troop), you can easily learn and teach yourself over time. I didn’t even know what a PLC was until like 5 months into my first term. (My Troop didn’t do PLCs before). But hey... my term ends in 2 weeks and officially I can relax!
  4. Does the scout even want to do NYLT? You don’t always have to go to a training session to learn how to do something. I know myself and others have taught ourselves and are doing just fine.
  5. Off topic, but make sure they are all YPT trained otherwise they can’t go!
  6. First of all- I applaud you that you and the committee had the guts to suspend it and make him redo it. I wish our committee did that for someone’s project. Youre doing him a favor as you said, if you don’t want to be harassed, then get the district involved. The money from his current project has to go to the beneficiary due to its being their money. technically.
  7. Scout shop also sells premade ones as well.https://www.scoutshop.org/den-advancement-chart-620579.html
  8. Yeah, we’ve tried. Even scout camps are that, sometimes more. Camporees around us are 50-60 now.
  9. Meanwhile we are paying around $30 - $40 a night in NJ...
  10. Probably goes to spam. Most scouting emails I get go to spam.
  11. I don’t feel like there’s a problem, I was just curious. I didnt mean to come off like I was demanding adults to do it, my apologies. I was just wondering how BSA would handle that.
  12. But let’s say - a beneficiary contact for someone’s Eagle Scout project. Should there be two adults since it’s scouting related?
  13. Never said they had to. I’m talking about the one-on-one. They don’t specify it only apply to scout leader and youth. It could be for any adult and youth member for all I know.
  14. But does BSA say that it’s only for adult scouters? Not that I know of.
  15. So when I run our yearly clothing drive pickup service, I have to CC another adult for every time a donator e-mails me for a pickup? I’m not the only one that has access to the account, but does that matter?
  16. Oh boy, I got a stain on my uniform shirt and guess what, it’s grease. Little backstory, our closet at our CO is in the boiler room and all the pipes are overhead some of our things. I was picking up our yard signs and not noticing they got covered in grease in some parts and ended up on my shirt. It’s one of the newer silky ones. Anyone have any solutions?
  17. Woah woah- they don’t get to choose yearly if they don’t want to go back to the same one or find another one??
  18. There are many ways to help prevent, such as wearing long socks, pants, boots, etc. Some bugs sprays do help as well.
  19. 3-4 of our scouts got atleast a tick (they had bug spray) this weekend, one got three of them. Never have we had a problem with ticks until this year. I’m just glad we do checks regularly so none of them were able to latch on.
  20. I’m just fortunate to be able to get a job before turning 16 in June and making over minimum wage... every place around me is 16 or 18+.
  21. Update: I turned down the day camp job unfortunately and will work for 2 weeks at a non-scout camp and make above minimum wage. I'll also find a part time job. Thanks everyone.
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