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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. Maybe? Did @Back Pack get Eagle before or after joining? He did get his Eagle recently right?
  2. Wow, a lot is happening this week. I finally have completed all my merit badges which means all I need is to meet with my SM before scheduling with my district! As many know, I did my project in September 2017. I finished Cycling this weekend, I did the mountain biking portion and did the 22 Miles.
  3. I don’t feel like that is a service project though. I don’t have this issue, but was just wondering for those that have that issue.
  4. Going camping this weekend with my family, I’ll make sure to include the recipes we try in the new subtopic. we are making: - Pizza - Cinnamon pecan rolls
  5. It says “complete one service project benefitting the CO”, but what if a Troop is chartered by a organization made by the parents?
  6. In my Troop, we’ve only had like 3 SPLs because we have only been around for 5-6 years. I was wondering how does your troop transiton SPLs? I talked to the new one and gave him all the materials he needs, meeting plans, SPL binder, etc. I explained how to do everything as well, such as how to properly send emails & Remind messages. I want to help him the best I can, but I don’t want to do too much or less.
  7. It really makes no sense why the SPL would choose it, in my opinion.
  8. SPL journey down.. JASM journey ahead...

    1. Sentinel947


      Congratulations! I hope your time as SPL was enriching, challenging and entertaining! JASM represents a new perspective and challenge for you! Best of luck! 

    2. prof


      Enjoy the new role!!!! I have no doubt you will be great at it!

  9. I haven't read that many posts on this thread, but if you need 3 pages of discussion and can't come to a conclusion, why allow the game or whatever it is in the first place?
  10. According to the website that I have read, it is with the SM and SPL. I’m not sure how reliable it is though. "The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster is a scout who has shown outstanding leadership skills. He is appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster" https://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Junior_Assistant_Scoutmaster
  11. Turns out I will be the first JASM in my troop if the SPL agrees with the SMs recommendation.
  12. After 2 years, my 2nd term is up. I can now focus more on finishing up my Eagle, and hopefully become a JASM. As the title says, it is my last meeting as SPL. We will be having elections tonight. I just wanted to say how it's amazing how a youth-led group can help someone learn how to plan, fundraise, and a whole bunch of other skills that will benefit them in life. Also - just wanted to thank everyone on the forum for helping me throughout the way! Many scouts in my troop enjoyed the activties and ideas that you shared with me.
  13. We get them on the clearance rack for pennies haha. I think they are expensive otherwise.
  14. You know they make Dutch oven liners now? They work pretty good, we use them when my family goes camping.
  15. I’m just exaggerating. Many troops have 5+ leaders. We have 3, one works nights.
  16. Guess I’m not going to summer camp this year possibly. What about the small troops that don’t have 20 leaders?
  17. Make a shirt or hat that reads "Are you a scout? If so, make sure to have an adult before talking to me!"
  18. The thing is though, I don't remember them saying "only during a scouting event". I really think it is up to how you interpert it.
  19. Most scout camps during off season usually ask troops to do a service project. We cleaned the small beach / surrounding area and area at our local summer camp (which we don’t go to).
  20. She’s just fulfilling her responsibility as cubmaster. All you have to do is prove her wrong & that the felony does not show who he is now. As bearess said, it’ll take a long time. Just make sure your children’s program are not affected.
  21. As many know, I’m still a youth. Life scout, 15, one merit badge left until Eagle, SPL for 2 years (my last term ends next week!). I honestly don’t see the real problem with girls being in Boy Scouts. I mean yes, Boy Scouts are in the name, but still. Girls will not be ruining the program for us, they will have their completely own program. Yes, GUSA and BSA should merge but we know that will not happen. I would like to know how this change will affect YOUR troop, and your program.
  22. It could be a power move, I feel like this wouldn’t happen so quick if it wasn’t someone with power in the troop.
  23. I’m curious, is the son that accused your son a child of the SM, ASMs, or CC?
  24. If he does not make accommodations, you may have to involve your district and/or council special needs advisor(s) or advancement committee. This should be a last option and I would keep trying to talk to the SM. On a side note, I understand how some adults can not realize that a child with a disability is not like the rest of the population. I’m in a vocational high school for the medical field and we recently visited a hospital / long time care that only take cares of special needs children (mostly with cerebral palsy). I learned how they are completely different and even interpret their environment in a different way. I wish you the best of luck. I would say the only thing you can do before involving your council/district (if the SM keeps saying no), is to educate him on disabilities.
  25. I’m sorry but why is he asking the questions on paper if he should’ve asked them to the scout directly? Shouldn’t a scout talk about the Drug, Tobacco, etc. program that he did while sitting with the person signing it off? Doesn’t that mean once he gets the requirement signed off, he is just repeating what he told a leader a while ago? Im not sure what kind of disability your son has, but would it be possible for him to fill the worksheets in while he does the requirement? If someone says “explain”, he can explain it in person and can have help writing it down at that time, instead of days or months later. AND, why is he asking questions on paper that should be asked during a BOR/SM conference???
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