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Hawkwin last won the day on November 9 2018

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  1. Might start there. And, as an ASM, that dad should have known the suspicion this was going to create and should have discussed with you in advance. Additionally, many of those MBs, like Cooking, should be verifiable from other sources. Such as, did the scout do the required cooking on a campout? That should be verifiable without the need to confront the scout or the ASM.
  2. Did not suggest it was new. I was referring to the fact that the verbiage of the GBA sets up a potential conflict with no clear resolution. "Scouts must be allowed" and "leader is permitted to place a limit..." Seems like there should be some clarification as to final authority to reduce the need for have discussions that would otherwise require a delicate approach.
  3. That is an interesting restriction in light of the explicit allowance that states a scout may work with any MBC of their choice in the prior sentence. How to square that circle? "Lacking agreement, the Scout must be allowed to work with the counselor of his or her choice, so long as the counselor is registered and has been approved by the council advancement committee." I could see this as a potential issue where a parent or guardian is a MBC and assists their scout with multiple MBs. Seems like in such a situation, it would be incumbent on the troop to find the scout an alternative which is not often easy.
  4. I had a similar issue. I could not figure out how to register someone for our troop and not pay for them if they are being registered and paid for via another troop. Our COR for example. I also had issues with the paper apps submitted not showing up and had to enter the individuals manually. In doing so, I also found a fault in the tool that allowed me to manually enter a fictitious date for YPT (you have to enter the date for anyone not already in the system and I put in placeholder dates simply so I could advance the tool and come back later with valid dates) and once you enter a date, the training website will now reflect that as the official date, even if the official date is also listed there.
  5. 100% agree. Language matters, especially in this context. My daughter is a member of both organizations and we certainly stress language at home. We don't accept "can't." I constantly say "you are capable." Things might be difficult but that doesn't mean that you lack the capability to do it.
  6. Not a 100% solution but there are a number of tools parents can use to monitor internet usage, both in the home and on personal devices like smart phones. We use Disney's Circle in the home to both limit the amount of time online and to restrict access to various sites. While it limits wi-fi access, it does not limit data access (but we can see that too). Doesn't keep them from accessing inappropriate sites or content when not at home but that was a problem long before the advent of the internet.
  7. Should it matter? Does the so-called "accused" get to tell the victim that it is less offensive because it was above her belt instead of below and he used something other than his hand to hit her? Maybe she just needs it mansplained to her.
  8. Sure it was. He did this on live tv. Some behaviors are crimes against society and not just the individual.
  9. Are you really suggesting a qualifying timeline to her reaction, as if she took too long then his behavior was less offensive or that she would somehow be less entitled to be outraged? So by implication, if he didn't misbehave, then they could't call him out? You would be basically admitting to those moms that this guy is a potential risk so if/when he misbehaves, you should be prepared... You certainly are not having this conversation about what to do regarding any other leaders that have not demonstrated poor behavior. I think I would find another pack if you told me that - and report the CC to the district and council.
  10. That is what the SM ended up doing. Bought 4 from Hikerdirect. We initially were looking at the Taurus but it sold out.
  11. Because we are all brand new and trying to figure this out on our own. Until the first response in this thread, I had not even considered that we could simply leave it up to the SM.
  12. I understand BSA does not give a lot of direction on this issue but I am trying not to recreate the wheel for our 1st year committee. When it comes to spending money on purchases, does your committee always vote? Our committee wants to buy some tents for our new troop for few hundred dollars. Trying to get us to decide on 2-3 tents is as hard as trying to get a bunch of scouts to decided on the same - too many options, too many opinions. As such, we are now weeks into discussion without new tents. For this and other items, how does your committee handle it? Does someone eventually just make the decision or are you able to come to consensus? I don't want to steamroll the other members but I also don't want paralysis by analysis. On a side note, know of any good tents for sale? 😵 Ideally, we have them in hand a week from how for our COH.
  13. A scout Fortnite skin. Just sayin. https://www.digitalspy.com/tech/a862410/fortnite-characters-movie/
  14. You mistakenly conflate the methods by which one learns as the same things as the topic being taught. Yes, people (let's acknowledge that not all boys or girls learn in the same way) have different methods by which they assimilate knowledge but none of that should have any bearing whether or not a person, should be taught how to tie a bowline knot or how to use a compass properly. BSA teaches life skills, not boy skills.
  15. What you call a rule change and not standing on principle, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints calls "Continuous Revelation." I'd call it changing with the tides. LDS Church rule change on baptisms reverses 2015 'revelation' in midst of era of change https://kutv.com/news/local/lds-church-rules-change-reverses-2015-revelation 20 changes the new Mormon president has made to appeal to Millennials and Generation Z https://religionnews.com/2019/06/18/20-changes-the-new-mormon-president-has-made-to-appeal-to-millennials-and-generation-z/ One wonders what the reaction would have been if BSA Nationals said that god told them to make these changes.
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