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This is painful for recruiting Lions/Tigers. Add in the uniform cost, Pack dues and you can get to $200+ just to join Cub Scouts fairly quickly.
Every LC should use this version of the charter agreement. It provides much more clarity in terms of liability of the scouting unit. I'm not saying it is better for units, just for LCs.
Scouting Association (UK) - Writing Style Guide
Eagle1993 replied to RememberSchiff's topic in Scouting Around the World
Or mind it. -
Major Change in Chartered Organization Relationship
Eagle1993 replied to gpurlee's topic in Issues & Politics
It goes to the Girl Scout model. There should be ownership of units. Most charters do not have the capacity or desire to actually own the units. Therefore, it should fall on the BSA through councils. Councils could ensure oversight by interviewing unit leaders (the CC & SM/CM). Ensuring they are trained for their position. Then allowing them to run the show with the rest of the leaders (checking on YPT). Perhaps councils limit units based on area. Perhaps they even have to limit # of scouts per unit if they grow too large vs the number of trained leaders they have. UMC & Elks are the start. I wouldn't be surprised to see Catholic charters follow. BSA will need a model on how to own units. -
Major Change in Chartered Organization Relationship
Eagle1993 replied to gpurlee's topic in Issues & Politics
Unfortunately both of these organizations are in decline as well. Our local AL sold their building and may be closed. They probably aren't bad short term. BSA will likely need this new agreement as I expect more and more units having issues finding decent charters. Having a way that clearly addresses "ownership" will help some organizations accept units. -
As part of the plan, BSA councils are kicking in an extra $100M that would have gone to pension fund as the councils said the fund was already larger than needed at the time of the plan. I definitely agree most claimants would be better off in Ch 11, but some would be better off in Ch 7. I certainly hope the judge comes back with an approval as it seems like we are running out of time. At some point they will hit cash flow issues. As long as Jambo 2023 is on, I think we are ok. If you see BSA cancel 2023 it may be a sign the bankruptcy is taking too long and they need to save cash.
It is not clear how everyone would be treated. First regarding assets available. Everything is sold. However, there could be deed restrictions that will be fought in court over Philmont (and perhaps other based). Those legal fights could take months to years. What about Trademarks? The Eagle Scouts rank could be valuable; however, does the congressional charter prevent that being sold to a for profit business? Who knows what comes up. Then on claims. The TCC already filed an adversarial hearing over the JP Morgan debt. That will go forward and there is definitely a decent chance some of that debt could be questioned and changed to unsecured. Pensions... Read the attachment if you like. Pensions are actually unsecured debt. That alone is a mess. For claimants, far less will be available as many of the remaining assets will pay lawyers as the fight months and possibly years over the carcus of the BSA. No one wins other than those who's primary goal is to kill the BSA. Even then, BSA 2.0 would be created in parallel and perhaps even purchase some assets from BSA 1.0. At some point, Ch 7 may be slightly less worse than continuing to try and proceed with Ch11 for BSA. I doubt we are close to that and don't see it was likely but there is always a chance. 060503_bleb_lewis.pdf
Going by the Book, or Changing to Encourage Participation
Eagle1993 replied to ramanous's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I've mentioned NICA (Mountain Bike Youth Race League) in the past. In their coaches training, they emphasized how to coach skills and how not to coach skills. They showed a picture of a bunch of youth sitting in a group looking bored out of their minds. That was under the how not to coach a skill. That picture (of the bored youth) could be taken at many summer camp merit badge sessions I have seen over the last several years. BSA seems to be, in practice, doing exactly what other organizations are saying what not to do. Why should we be surprised to see our numbers falling. -
Going by the Book, or Changing to Encourage Participation
Eagle1993 replied to ramanous's topic in Open Discussion - Program
In this Troop they are. They have the SPL, ASPL at the head table. Patrols then site at tables. Then they work on advancement at their tables from planning outings to advancement. I think BSA needs to relook at the program given what youth need today. That is tough as it varies a lot by income and location. However, if I were to simplify BSA methods I would: Prioritize #1 Outdoors - I think outdoors makes BSA a bit unique and can be fun. Downside is that some scouts more focused on STEM (which are a lot) would likely drop. #2 Patrols - Again, unique to BSA and a key aspect of following methods. #3 Ideals - Scout Oath & Law is key and should be taught and practiced by all. #4 Leadership - We need leaders in our country ... I see far too many willing to follow and not lead. BSA has a great history in developing leaders. It typically isn't hard to say what is important. What is hard is to say what one would focus less on. So, I think BSA should De-prioritize: De-Prioritize #1 Uniform - Honestly, I would be fine if we just went to a neckerchief. Show up in what is appropriate. A suit for a formal occasion. Work shirt and jeans. Etc. Just have that neckerchief and lets go! #2 Advancement - Eliminate all ranks except Eagle. Less focus on Eagle as closing out a checklist of activities vs an indication of top scouts. Let Scoutmasters decide who their Eagle scouts are based upon Scout's accomplishments over time. Other ranks ... end. You learn scouting skills, but no need to advertise a rank. Scout leaders can assign tasks & roles based on your skill. Merit badges are fine, but reduced focus. #3 Adult Association - I think we actually have too much adult association right now. Yes, keep scoutmaster conferences and adults involved in the program. However, if we make the mistake ... make it with less adult association as many kids today have too much (helicopter parents, etc.). #4 Personal Growth - I think this will happen anyway. -
Going by the Book, or Changing to Encourage Participation
Eagle1993 replied to ramanous's topic in Open Discussion - Program
My son just asked his best friend why he dropped out of scouting (from another troop). He said Boy Scouts is 10 hours of boring meetings for every weekend of camping. He can just go camping without the boring meetings. Another scouting friend said the same thing. I am debating if we stop indoor meetings as much as possible. -
I should also mention, this is definitely a unique & complex case, so there is a definite possibility it is jut taking a long time to consider the plan. Silverstein noted at a hearing for selling the distribution center that the findings the BSA and plan proponents are asking her to make in confirming the plan present her with issues that she has never previously faced as a bankruptcy judge. "Quite frankly, probably none of my previous rulings in eight years really dealt with this particular type of issue, where there are such extensive findings that people are asking me to make, and where the findings are particularly controversial," she said. I think going back to what she has said in various hearings. She doesn't want to see the BSA end. I expect if BSA was some other organization, she would have likely just killed the plan even if it would end the org. I really think she is doing everything possible to let the organization survive. However, she must comply with bankruptcy law and must ensure the plan survives appeals. She is likely in a very tough spot and is working through the best she can.
This one took 8 days between the hearing and plan approval. This one took 48 days between hearing & rejection. However, that included both Thanksgiving & Christmas breaks. Somewhat concerning that the approval took only 8 days but a rejection took a month and a half. I know just two examples ... but we should be ready for a rejection (or a hearing/quick fix) situation. I struggle to see why she would need >60 days to approve this. Definitely a possibility ... just a bit concerning.
We are now two months after the hearing ended. I'm shocked it is taking this long. Articles from early May indicated people thought the judge would be back "soon". BSA likely has 1 shot at this ... if district or appeals reject the plan, I'm not sure BSA has the cash to withstand the impact. Plus ... I start wondering the impact on BSA from inflation, higher interest rates, market crash (impacting endowments), etc. They really need to exit bankruptcy soon and I'm not sure anyone thought it would take more than 2 months for a decision. This article (not sure if it was posted previously) really summarizes what the judge has to decide. She knows this plan will have to be approved by district and then likely to be appealed. https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2022/04/25/664463.htm She spent a lot of time on this topic: The way it was left, I have to say it seemed like the non settling insurers made some pretty strong points. The judge kept asking why she needs to decide this. I think the TDP/Neutral path language could be the #1 issue holding her up. I don't know for sure, but she seemed very concerned about this area. The other area that I know externally there is a lot of focus is third party releases. While some of the release language may be an issue ... I actually didn't get the sense that she had an issue including COs or councils in the plan. I wouldn't be surprised if she came back with some minor fix requests, but an all out removal of COs/Councils would shock me. There is a chance another court could rule otherwise, but for Judge Silverstein, I get the sense she was fine with the total package.
Looks like the debtors & settling insurers agreed to the delay. This came from an objection to the delay of litigation until Sept 12, 2022 (it was a quote from the hearing) So ... one way I look at this. - BSA during the hearing argued that state court cases (primarily with insurance companies) be allowed 90 days after plan approval. - BSA THEN submitted a request in early May that the judge delay state court cases until September 12th. - Insurance companies objected saying, among other things, that BSA argued for 90 days ... why do they need more? Just give them the 90 days. - As of today, 90 days is September 11, 2022. So basically, the request from BSA back in early May is meaningless as we still do not have plan approval. It is likely plan approval will push the state court cases beyond the September 12th date BSA requested. Therefore... no point in the hearing. That is my guess.
I do wonder given the timing if we are not looking at an approval. The judge said she would be back with a ruling soon (at the close of the hearing) AND mentioned multiple times she knew timing was critical. I would have thought if it was a straight plan approval we would have heard by now. Yes, she has to work on the wording of her ruling/order, but I can't imagine that taking months. There is a chance ... but each day that passes makes me think a straight plan approval is not in the cards. I also expect a full out rejection of the plan is also not likely. Again, if she saw this plan as severely flawed she would have ruled quickly and told the sides to try again. I'm leaning to a plan rejection (as I don't think she can change the plan) but with a very carefully worded ruling that leaves the door open to a relatively quick fix. She may be very specific on the sections she agrees with and the area(s) she cannot approve and why. This could lay the groundwork for all sides to quickly address those issues in the plan and get to a plan approval. That could be why it is taking months (as she wants to be very careful on how she words the likely rejection). I don't see this as her taking a summer break. She kept court going for late nights and long days during the hearing to keep the plan on track. I checked her calendar and is was pretty clear ... so I expect she is putting is some long hours on this ruling. Just a guess ... but if the headline is "Judge rejects BSA bankruptcy plan" I wouldn't immediately panic and think all is lost. It could mean she just laid out a path to a plan modification that will win at district and appeals.
We have discussed, in the past, the differences between UK scout leadership (open meetings, smaller board, etc.) and BSA. UK Scouting has seen record membership growth since 2013, though it was impacted by Covid (and now since seen a bounce). BSA ...well, you have seen our numbers. Then ... I look at what is going on in the UK (just the first few videos I found): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1V4THmgTEQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBH8Mzf65iI https://twitter.com/BearGrylls/status/1488554069341917189 If you watch the last video, there are 10,000 people who are attending a Jubilee party. This isn't a dedicated scout celebration, this was a celebration where scouts were featured. During the scout segment, Bear Grylls drops in on a rope from the ceiling. Looking at the UK, you frequently see Kate Middleton (who actually volunteered for a Cub Pack) wearing the neckerchief and talking about scouts frequently. Matt Hyde is out, generating media and positive messaging about scouts. Now I look to BSA. Our national leadership is completely absent from national media. I have see no ability to get scouts highlighted at major events (how about the super bowl, NBA, MLB, NHL, PGA, New Years Eve, Oscars, etc.) They, for the most part are absent outside dedicated scout stories (which are limited). Where are our Bear Grylls, Kate Middleton, etc. ambassadors? Bear Grylls was named Chief Scout at 34. Young, energetic, media savvy. While Twitter is definitely not the only method to measure social media footprint of our leaders, I think it isn't a bad metric. From what I can see, Roger Mosby is the only one with an an account (in his name) and he has 14 followers. Every leader in UK scouting has an account. Jennie Price (their board chair) only has 113 followers. The rest have over 1,000 each and many tweet about scouting frequently. So... what impact does this have? It gets kids and parents aware of scouting. They realize it is a current activity .. not something from the 1950s. (I had a parent who didn't realize Cub Scouts still existed). It generates positive opinions of scouting. Yes, I'm sure UK scouting has bad media from time to time ... but it is offset by the frequent positive messages. While I don't think we need to fully copy the UK model, we should consider the path they took and the results they are seeing. Let's get a Chief Scout executive in his or her mid 20s - 40s. Someone with a great vision of scouting, understands today's parents & youth, is energetic and represents scouting ideals and today's media. Then find appropriate ambassadors who are respected by the majority of Americans and can spread the idea of scouting. In general, most parents I have talked to have a slightly positive opinion about scouting. However, other activities typically rank much higher in terms of importance. Creating a national narrative about the values of scouting could change that.
Primarily because everyone will have moved on. During the trial, there were expert witnesses who indicated there could be a large number of false claims. There are also those who indicated that there are others who didn't file claims. BSA will want to move on. I don't think it would help for them to argue, 10-15-20 years from now that ... hey, we had a less rapes than reported.
53 days since the hearing closed How are we to read the tea leaves where there is no tea nor leaves. I took a look at some of her past rulings ... and her approvals seemed to come fast (days/weeks after the hearing). I did see she rejected the Vivus plan but kept the record open to avoid killing the plan. Then after some additional work from the DOJ and others, she approved the plan a month later. Who knows ... but 53+ days is a long time.
Directed by Irene Taylor, Executive Producer Brian Grazer & Ron Howard Streaming on Hulu & release scheduled in New York & LA June 16 Will focus on alleged century-long sexual abuse cover-up by the Boy Scouts of America. It will also explore the declining membership and bankruptcy case. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/boy-scouts-doc-trailer-abuse-scandal-leave-no-trace-1235159517/
I like the spirit of this idea; however, I doubt most if any scouts can really do a great job on a statue. I could only imagine an arm falling off in a year or two. Perhaps scouts can help spot weld some of the pieces together and a few professional welders can finish with good clean tig welds. I would be more optimistic if they just cut the statue in half or thirds. They really cut it up a lot. I wonder if it would be better to just melt down the bronze and have someone do a new casting.