I was wondering the same thing. How involved in the planning, in a boy led troop, are the boys once the decision is made to hold a fundraiser?
I'm on our committee and a few of our ASM's have complained that our last fundraiser was not boy led, that they need to do it not the committee or parents. We hosted a bazaar, the rental fee from each vendor was the fundraiser. It did very well, but for the majority of the planning, getting vendors, renting a location, advertising etc., was done by myself and my son on occasion. The boys did participate by setting up the day before and by being there the day of selling hotdogs, craft items they made, santa pictures and helping vendors or directing traffic etc. The other fundraisers we do are car washes and Christmas tree recycling. The boys always participate but not in the detail planning of the fundraiser.
We are in the process of switching to a boy led troop and I'm curious on how others involve or not involve the boys in the process of planning.