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  1. Thanks Brian. Luckily, all of the ASMs are trained. I'm "the rookie" ... still have some training classes to take. ASM's will be out-of-pocket initially (class B's, flags, website, etc.) to get the troop up and running. We'll reimburse ourselves as dues come in. 1st troop meeting is scheduled for 9/18, 1st campout is scheduled for weekend of 9/30. Exciting stuff! Thanks again...
  2. Good news, all. Our new troop has been approved by BSA! Our 1st troop meeting is scheduled for 9/18. Class B t-shirts have been ordered and we're off to the races! Thank you all again for your help and feedback.
  3. Thank you both for the feedback. We're going with a "less-is-more" approach, so shouldn't run into any copyright/trademark issues. Once we have the final version of the t-shirt mocked up, does BSA need to approve it?
  4. Are there any official BSA guidelines as to images, terminology, symbols, etc. that are allowed or not allowed on Class B t-shirts? Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the info, sst3rd! We have a verbal from the COR. Starting the paperwork process now. Our goal is to have our 1st troop meeting on 9/18! First campout shortly thereafter. Fingers crossed!
  6. Hi, I'm one of five ASMs from a very large troop. We're looking to branch off with 10-15 scouts to start a new troop. We have a couple of community centers that are interested in chartering us. We also have 3-5 parents that are interested in being committee members. Question to you adult leaders out there who have started new troops. How quickly were you able to get your troops up and running? How much time between filling out initial BSA paperwork to first campout / troop meeting? Thanks!
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