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Everything posted by MrJim

  1. Our big fundraiser is selling Pine Straw and delivering it to our customers. We started several years ago and sold one tractor trailer load. This last sale we sold 3 full trailers and had to get another 100 bails from a local distributor to complete our orders. Most of our sales are repeat customers and they tell friends who contact us. The boys will go out and sell door to door, set up in front of retail stores and some even get on the phone and just start calling friends. We have the tractor trailers dropped off at the church on Friday night and we use utility trailers and trucks to make the deliveries and we usually finish Saturday evening. The adults do the driving and the boys handle all the labor. Some of our older Scouts will go back to the delivery locations and for an additional fee (worked out between the Scout and the customer) spread the pine straw. We always end up with broken bails that we use to spread around our church and every year have had enough to do a nice job. I think last year we raised $2,800 and a couple of our older Scouts made a couple hundred dollars each spreading pine straw at delivery locations. All in all its a lot of work for everyone but we have a good time. we have pizza for lunch and the boys get a great sense of accomplishment and learn to work for what we do as a Troop. We also sell camp cards every year and the profit goes directly into the Scouts account who sell them.
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