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    North Dakota

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  1. ​We actually didn't know there was a committee....see what I mean, we were clueless...she left us in the dark. We also found out there is supposed to be 2 people on the checking account at all times. We are now working on the process of finding trustworthy people. It's hard to find people who want to volunteer their time.
  2. The people on the Committe had nothing to do with the troop...we didn't know about them. I was "Council Rep" but she told me my title was "Church Liason" She told me to introduce myself to the church as that, and my sole responsibility was to keep thinks friendly between the pack and the church. Yes, I was niave. I should have looked more into it. She told me I had no authority what so ever with the troop. I started questioning her back in Popcorn Season 2015 after the kids didn't receive their prizes for top seller..she claimed Scouts dropped it that year, even though on the forms they said they were doing it. I offered to help with popcorn, she refused. She would call me every week this past season asking me to hand in my son's money, one week it was 500+, she'd see me on the street and ask for it. Then I knew I was off by 30-40 bucks, as I was waiting for some customers to pay us yet, and being confused I asked her how much we owed....she goes "oh...its ok, no biggie". I said it was a big deal and that my son needed to get his share in, I asked to see the records so I could figure it out myself, she refused. Just found out from a parent who moved out of the area that they owe money yet for 2016 and she also told him it was no big deal...he thought it was around $250. How does one keep no records of anything?? We have no volunteer hours recorded, no records of what anyone has done to earn a badge, no financial records, besides the checks she wrote out that we got from the bank. The main office is looking into this, but it seems to be taking forever, as for now, this woman walks around claiming we took over scouts, because we are bossy. I spose she's sitting at home eating all of our leftover popcorn from the last 2 years, which she told me she has, but now refuses to hand over. Bitter.....yes...I'll get over it...It's just a lot to take in. A lot to learn, considering we all knew nothing and all had the wool pulled over our eyes. How can someone do this to kids.
  3. Just a rant here... My son has been in scouts for 3 years....they've had the same lessons for 3 years. Its a small group...all the cub scouts are together...tigers...wolves...ect. Most kids didnt do enough to pass to the next rank, she'd just hand them out. She gave out one belt loop in 3 years...everyone got the same one. She gave out 1 badge to the older kids, who didnt even do everything to earn it. We had no money, yet a few kids sold over 1000 in popcorn every year. We were told, "do the fundraisers and you won't have to pay for camps"...well last summer if they wanted to go, we had to pay due to "lack of funds" Come to find out she used the packs checkbook as a personal account. She sent her son to an out of state Boy Scout Camp...she didnt even try to hide it, numerous checks written out to his troop...from a cub scout troop. We sold wreaths...nothing was earned from them...we figure her son got credit for them instead for his troop. All our popcorn was ordered thru his troop. She refused to sign over the checkbook...she gave it to us, but figured if she refused to legally sign it over, we couldnt have access to it. Well...the bank knew what was going on, we got access to it. It's sad...how can someone steal from kids? How can you refuse to give badges for stuff they earned? I even had pictures to prove things and she'd say "well I didnt see it" ....was she that hard up for money that she couldnt spend any of it on badges?? I was going to have my son quit or transfer to another troop, but we are trying to work things out...its hard to start from scratch. Even the meetings weren't ran as they were supposed to. I had to go online to see how a meeting was ran. Just upsetting. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
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