I would like to get a handle on a new troop we have just joined. They claim to be boy led, and everytime I try to ask a question as a parent I am told to have my 11 year old son ask his Patrol Leader.
But the SM decides when trips will happen, after the scouts have a vague annual plan every August. The SM takes the plan and books all the trips. The SM also gives the scouts heavy direction with every decision. He will strongly suggest that boys do something a certain way, possibly to the point of telling them what to do. It is all done behind closed doors so we dont really know what is being told to the boys. SM also will make sudden changes effective without running it by commitee, or just telling the Committee chair and the CC does not share with the rest of the committee or parents.
I dont see how this is boy led?
How does your troop run? Do boys do planning?