The scout is my son, I am the Troop Advancement Coordinator. The counselor for this badge was from a merit badge clinic 1 yr ago. I know my son completed all but those listed as "needed". My son is trying to contact the counselor, to no avail.
My question was not about teaching the scout but more a matter of procedure. When the blue card comes up for review at Eagle, will the validity of the card be questioned. Is the way in which counselors sign off cards to be adhered "letter of the law" or is flexibility allowed. If we went by "a scout is trustworthy" I guess we wouldn't need blue cards at all.
I have processed many blue cards at this point and the counselors are typically quite good at itemizing requirements and noting which have been completed and which haven't, which is what made this one seem so aberrant.
Our troop's normal practice is to have partials signed off by the counselor that did THOSE requirements. The remaining incompletes are fulfilled with a new counselor with a new separate blue card.