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Everything posted by Scout12

  1. Your can always leave the lame SM and son, go to a troop that has it's stuff together! NO elections...that is a MAJOR red flag right there!!
  2. They started out together from different dens then joined up till Eagle.
  3. Just wondered how common or scarce is it to have all patrol members Eagle? (Five in all) Thanks!
  4. If your building something, Lowe's Small Grant is a good one, but it takes a month or so to come through!
  5. Sounds like another ego idiot!--get to another troop asap, this guy AND group isn't going to change. The sooner you go, the sooner your son can enjoy scouting and advance like he should!!
  6. Our Eagle is in the same boat as of mid June....Make all of them retroactive to fit the new norm!!
  7. Second time for him and all above is true...but for 2K (with all) probably spent better on HIGH adventure w/friends somewhere,not LOW expectations with the hord at the Summit.
  8. Our council (in IL) gives the patch to the scouts at the closing ceremony on the last day of camp to wear home!
  9. You don't have to wait-find one now and transfer,you can get whatever merit badge is offered by a certified MB consular at any time, anywhere.
  10. Other leaders-asst. leaders there from ANY BSA group there-your son is covered!
  11. I'll have to ask-but what happens if no other scouts or helpers are there-do we go ahead and work on it anyway even if notice was given?
  12. Our Troop says that-is it listed on the BSA web site to check on-we are in Three Fires in the western suburbs of Chicago , Sycamore, IL
  13. What is the "law" and guidlines for project work especially if no committe members show but other scouts and adults do? We have a month till 18th so we are in go mode. He should be done with only a couple more dates of 2-3 hours, but getting com keeps coming up, What's the take on it?
  14. Has funds since starting-now they want that form even that he has not asked because he did not plan to.
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