Thank you both! He did received the "old version" that hangs from his pocket and covers his rank. None of his leaders said anything other than congratulatory remarks and praise for a job well done. His troop here is really less than active and most of the times, when he wants to do something (Merit Badge University, Scout Camp, etc) he is the only one in his Troop that wants to do it, so he usually has to go provisional. Not a single other member of his Troop went to camp last summer and so far, only 2 others have registered to go this year. He loves being a Boy Scout, but wishes the rest of his peers were as interested in it as he is. Unfortunately, most are there because their parents want them to be there so you have several 17-almost-18 year olds struggling to finish the requirements for Eagle in the 11th hour. He wants to assist as a Den Chief for the Cubs, but his leaders say no because the Cubs program has never had Den Chiefs. It's very frustrating...