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  1. Actually Girls Scouts troops are not chartered at all. IMO its the Catholic churches loss. I hope the girls are able to find other supporters in their communities. I would like to point out that this is just one region that has decided to drop Girls Scouts. My area still welcomes and supports our local gs troops.
  2. If you get Caramel de lites in your area that means the local Girl Scout coucil get their cookies from ABC bakery. The Samaos are still being made by Little Brownie bakery, and I am about to get me some this Saturday when dd cookies come in. There are two bakeries and each council has to option choosing which one to get cookies from. I really don't the reason for the different names, but it most likely do to trademarks and copyrights.
  3. Girl Scouts uses 2 bakers for cookies Little Brownie Bakers and ABC bakers. Depending on which bakery your local council has contracted with will determine your type of cookies. For example, Little Brownie has Do Si Dos, and ABC has caramel delights kinda the same cookie but different names. The only thing in common is both bakeries is that they use the named Thin Mints for that cookie. Edited to say that both now used the name Girl Scout Smore for the new cookie, however the cookies are different. Don't even get me started on that one.
  4. Unfortunately, some cookie booths get robbed during the cookie season. My dd and I have never had a problem in our area during cookie season, and in a couple of weeks we will be at it again.
  5. There is also Frontier Girls which is a newer and smaller organization, which I have heard of. Just goggle them for more info on their organization.
  6. Yes, Girl Scouts can do outdoor camping. In order to start a troop you will need 5 girls and woman co-leader that is unrelated to you. You will need to go through training both you and your co-leader and get background checks. But, yes Girl Scout is girl lead and if they want to go camping then they can. However, there are procedures that you will be expected to follow. I don't know what you mean by thumbing your nose at council.
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