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Everything posted by carebear3895

  1. It was national. 900 Employees. 150 from the office, the rest are from the National supply stores around the county. It's the perfect storm for the BSA right now.
  2. Counter prediction: council professional staffs will actually grow in numbers, or at minimum stay stagnant. The BSA will be a shell of itself after this over and done. What's the number #1 killer of units? Not meeting or no activities. Well, that' what is happening across the nation right now. I'm willing to bet that 1/4 of all Cub Scouts Packs will never meet again post-corona. The professionals will essentially be tasked with rebuilding the BSA. Frankly, and i know this sounds bad, a vast majority of volunteers do not care about growing membership. They don't have the time to dedicate starting units or growing numbers. I mean, that's one of the main job function of a DE. What you will see is a massive selling of camps, especially if they aren't able to open their doors this summer. All the capital that would've gone to camps will now go into professional salaries.
  3. The Scout Me In neckerchief is more of a PR item than any actual uniform piece. I have one I wear when I'm out and about doing community relation stuff.
  4. The "Scout Me In" neckerchief is too thick to be worn with a standard slide. That's why the unofficial policy has been to use a Friendship knot.
  5. I'm still vary wary of your "restoring the village" program, but i am very glad you got rid of Scoutreach. If it has Volunteer oversight, RTV can be very good for the kids in Chicago. To PTAC's credit, things really got better after some folks in upper management "retired" or "transferred". Their traditional DE staff works their tails off. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the folks on that crew were able to turns things around in their Districts.
  6. I have friends that worked in PTAC. Man...the stories I head from the Professional side during the mergers were horrific. Not appropriate to share on a public forum.
  7. My Question is what would that accomplish? All 4 of those councils are economically well-off. The only thing that would foresee happening is more properties being sold off. Like you said, and I agree, Scouters in that area already work well together. Why change things for the sake of change? That's why I suggested the Michigan Crossroads Council comparison. That I could see happening.
  8. Just a friendly reminder, Council Properties are always the first thing to go when mergers happen....
  9. Didn't pathway basically write the book on "how to NOT merge councils" In all seriousness, I'd like to see them pull a Michigan Crossroads. One large council that handles properties/program, and smaller Field Service councils that just focus on units and fundraising.
  10. Didn't OCC come under a lot of fire a few years back because you guys added the $120 "filing fee" for Eagle Scout applications? And to be fair, a 100 level council like OCC is mainly suburban/metro population with a lot of money. When you have a 100 level with a lot of poorer rural communities outside of the big metro, those districts and smaller units tend to be forgotten. I hear that's how its like with the Greater St. Louis Area Council.
  11. The sad thing is i'm only half joking. The national average is 6 months
  12. Look at this bigshot, being able to keep DE's for almost a year. What's the secret to your retention?
  13. This is actually the ideal scenario. "Volunteer yourself out of the job" is a saying I've heard multiple times.
  14. You're the one who keeps calling on Charter Organizations to have complete control. If that's the case, then they need to foot the bill for Victim Compensation. Somewhere, a long time ago, those adults were approved to be leaders by a Charter
  15. This is a complete joke and insulting. Please, enough with your disdain of Professionals.
  16. again.....your do realize the bankruptcy is about sexual abuse cases, right?
  17. well, the ScoutingU staff flies all over the country for advance Pro training and at least once a month to the Summit for Pro Basic training (which is a horrible, horrible waste of money and resources). It would suck to try and have a family (or even a personal life) if you work for ScoutingU. All 4 regions have their staffs based in Dallas, so they leave periodically to be in their regions and visit councils. I think Area Directors are based in Dallas too, but to be honest with you, I have no idea what they do.
  18. Not out of the realm of possibility. The professional training center already moved there. The only thing that would prevent that is the lack of a major airport close by. National employees do a lot of flying.
  19. I appreciate it, thank you. I'm actually pretty candid like this out in the field too. I find being open with Volunteers and being able to poke fun at myself as a Professional is a great way to build relationships. Like you, I hate the "need to know" culture in the BSA
  20. no. I'm sorry, but at this point you are making things up to help your argument. Councils are their own independent 501c3s. That is a fact. I'm really not trying to be a jerk, but your "unit perspective" doesn't matter when it comes to this. National and councils are completely legally and financially separate from one another. National has done a very good job at making that clear in all the bankruptcy publications.
  21. This needs to be said: LOCAL COUNCILS ARE LEGALLY AND FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT FROM THE NATIONAL COUNCIL. The Chapter 11 financial restructuring will not affect your local scouting experience.
  22. or you know.....the sexual abuse cases. Which is literally in the bankruptcy filing document.
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