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Everything posted by carebear3895

  1. I had a buddy of mine who helped start of a "history reenactment" Venture Crew. I should ask him how that's going now.
  2. That's......odd. This is pure speculation, but I think COVID-19 is being used as a scapegoat here for something else. Especially when OA's Momentum is happening in August and the Summit HA base will still be in operation.
  3. "Create a membership category for youth and families with no advancement program" You mean like how was Venturing was supposed to be? High Adventure emphasis with an OPTIONAL advancement program.
  4. Ah, the ole "phone book" method. My SE told me stories about the old days. Makes you wonder if Scouting truly ever was as big as the old records show.
  5. where did you see this on? And if it's coming from Effie, it's true. She is in charge of ALL communications
  6. It's not a discount. The $25 new-registration fee is on top of the membership fee.
  7. Just got off the retirement plan webinar. I really could've done without one of the Assistant Chiefs who makes 300k a year telling us "I know you must be mad, but remember why you joined in the first place"
  8. Well it looks like our retirement is one of those sacred cows.
  9. Let me say, when this actually happens, it works *chef kiss* PERFECTLY To bad CO's only do what they are supposed to probably only like 20% off the time.
  10. I think a lot (A LOT) of Professionals are going to quickly try and justify their jobs.
  11. Popcorn is a money maker. Like, I get it. Volunteer hate it.....but it's low overhead and a money maker for councils. I would reckon no council is in a good enough financial state to cut one of their largest fundraisers. I hate it, unit leaders hate it, but "merit badge factories" are just not going away because they are so popular. The day of little johnny scout calling up a merit badge counselor are long gone unfortunately (which is sad because I think that's a great skill for a scout to learn) I would love to see national simplify the recharter process. It's one of those those things where the answer seems so simple, but I think it get's complicated because of the current charter system. I'm all on board with simplifying it, but if it hasn't happened now, will it ever?
  12. IMO, I feel like I can practically guarantee you none of these three will be sent to the executioner. Besides, there are far from "Sacred cows".
  13. I'll have you know I became a fully trained Skipper since i've been in quarantine! We don't even have a ship in our Council....I'm just bored
  14. Looking at the Glasdoor or Indeed reviews for DE jobs is always sad, but funny is a depressing kind of way. There was one from a few months ago from Dallas (guessing circle ten) about how a bunch of people in the office were crying from the stress. I thought to myself "yea, that sounds pretty accurate"
  15. lol, thanks....i guess. It WAS NOT recent, in case anybody was wondering. I just haven't updated the patch on here. Yes, I am as candid in real life as I am on here (probably why volunteers like me). It ticks off my boss, but I get the job done so it keeps the Executive Board happy.
  16. over 50% will leave before 6 months. I'm not sure how many more will last the rest of the year
  17. Something I've learned while in the Cadre, never trust a professional who would rather wear a suit than a field uniform.
  18. Can't get any less oversight when there was already zero oversight *taps forehead* I've been a professional for years and still have zero idea what an Area Director does. Heck, I've never even met mine.
  19. My guess are council paid membership programs. I.E. scoutreach, restoring the village, etc.
  20. The big talk right now is fees going up to $66 in August. Honestly, they could've raised it 1 cent and you will see an exodus just based on principle.
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