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Everything posted by carebear3895

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is how GSUSA operates its units
  2. Well I mean councils and National are completely separate 501c3 organisations. It's not so much distancing as it is providing correct, clear information. I've already had plenty of units talk about folding or not paying recharter fees because they are afraid the BSA is about to disappear. Councils are just trying to calm the waters.
  3. Ah. I am a DE in a mostly rural district. My biggest population center is a down on it's luck "city" that is pretty dead culturally. So if I let a unit it die, it is a major impact.
  4. It's fueled by a lot of factors, including those you listed. A lot of kids right out of college don't last more than a couple months because they think the job is something completely different than what it actually is. The current generation of SE's have a "I was treated like dirt as a DE in the 80's, so that's how I'm going to treat my employees" mentality which is a culture issue. The biggest issue I have is with professional training, or "commissioning". It's only a week now, which I think is completely ridiculous. I went though training back when i had 7 months on the job, and I was the shortest tenured professional there! The only good part, imo, was meeting other DE's. The actual training was too rushed to learn anything useful. When national is pumping out 25-30 new DE's every month, it's a problem.
  5. While this is bound to rustle some jimmies, that starts with the DE. But national doesn't put much stock into us anymore because of the insane turnover rate.
  6. Our job is to grow scouting, not kill it. If the leaders aren't properly trained to run a functioning unit, that falls on both Professional and Commissioner shoulders. If it's a leadership issue, you recruit new leaders. Helping/Coaching a Unit in hopes that it will eventually grow into a successful program is a heck of a lot better for the kids than killing it and trying to restart it. Let me tell you, starting a unit from scratch is a lot harder to do now than it was even 5 years ago.
  7. All of us got the email at the exact same time the volunteers did, even our SE. The Chief caught all of us by surprise on this one
  8. I can't see it having that much impact financially. Most councils are self sufficient
  9. In his defense....they really haven't told us much in regards how linked troops will work.
  10. Good thing they are keeping the name "Boy Scouts of America" then.... I guarantee nobody is going to stop calling boys in khaki shirts and green short Boy Scouts, even if the program name changes.
  11. GSUSA absolutely knows this. They still want to make a big thing about it to look like they are being victimized.
  12. While BSA does actually own the trademark for that, it still won't solve the issue GSUSA is suing about.
  13. I actually think this is going to become a PR disaster for them. In this day in age, the less "progressive" institution will always lose.
  14. Just from a Pro's perspective, I always take numbers with a huge grain of salt. You wouldn't believe how badly Council-paid membership programs (i.e. Scout reach) can be abused. Plus, With how Politically Liberal GSUSA has gotten, I could see a lot more parents choosing the BSA, as it is historically more conservative and in line with their own values.
  15. That's the a complete 180 from what I've heard from the former Lewis and Clark units. But I guess each to their own.
  16. looking at that map, I Imagine it won't be long before Abraham Lincoln Council goes too.
  17. RIP Decatur. Merging with GSLAC is pretty much death to those small town Units
  18. DE's do some stupid things when the pressure is on. Unfortunately that's a by-product of the toxic professional culture. Forcing girls into an All-boy unit is just asking to have volunteers hate you.
  19. The old one, as cheesy as it was, was a far better TRAINING tool.
  20. I hate the new YPT. Getting CoR's updated has been a HUGE pain. Before I could meet with a CoR one on one and get them trained rather quickly, that's almost impossible now with the Powerpoint. It's also been a huge roadblock in starting new units. I can't get all the new parents trained in a group setting because of how long it takes. I have to rely on them to get it done individually, which means the pack can't get started in a timely fashion, which tends to anger the dudes with the corner offices.
  21. Most of the girls in my district that have joined packs were former Girl Scouts. Either the parents were disgruntled with the GSUSA or the troop folded.
  22. I saw the report the first week it came out and haven't seen one since. I'd be happy to pass that info along when I get it.
  23. You capitalize "Cub" like that word supposed to be gender specific or something... Just FYI, most of the packs in my district are in rural farm communities. Most of these packs have a hard time just finding 5 boys, never mind 5 in the same grade. BSA had materials for years to help Cubmasters and Den leaders deal with this situation. This is not a problem caused by including girls. I don't want to jump down this rabbit hole, but I highly suggest you talk to you Son(s) about what is happening and get their honest opinion. Especially if you are suggesting ruining their opportunity to earn the Eagle rank to join an organization that gives far less opportunities to make those memories
  24. Nobody is really talking about it here. Yea everybody knows it's happening, but it's really the last thing on CO's priority list right now. We are all trying to get ready for the full roll out of Family Scouting first.
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