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carebear3895 last won the day on February 18 2020

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  • Gender
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    Central Region, BSA
  • Occupation
    District Executive
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  • Biography
    Just a scout doing scouts thangs

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  1. One of the missions of the Order was to promote camping, and more specifically in council camping. I was always happy to sign up for a service weekend because in my mind, that was MY camp.
  2. That is the culture NOA has pushed from the Top down. I know a few years ago (won't give the exact year as it will dox) there was a push by the National Chief and National Vice Chief to eliminate the labor portion of the Ordeal and remove service from Fellowships/conclaves. You can probably guess how that conversation went... OA is more of a frat house under the guise of "leadership development" than it is a true service organization these days.
  3. Talking with some old buddies still in the field, it's the same story that it has been for the last decade. The big metros with high income suburbs are recruiting very well while the smaller, rural councils are suffering.
  4. To be fair, his union negotiated a great CBA.
  5. feels like I'm staring at force ghosts of Baden-Powell, Seton, and Beard
  6. Absolutely! I actually can't wait to get back into the green and tans (or green and gray if that's still going to be a thing). But I think it's only fair, especially to my replacement, if I take a good chunk of time away from scouting.
  7. After over 4 years of working in the field, today was my last day as a Professional Scouter. It's been an incredible ride, but it's time for me to move on and start the next chapter in my life. Thank you to everyone on this forum over the past years who helped me grow as a Pro. If you ever have any questions about Professional side of Scouting, or "the Dark Side", please don't hesitate to reach out. Volunteers are some of the kindest, most selfless people you will ever meet in this world. It was truly an honor to serve them, and I will miss working with them dearly.
  8. Today is my last day as a Professional Scouter. What a ride it's been. 

  9. The two are synonymous in the mind of your average American
  10. None of the recommendations mean anything when the registration fee keep going up. I stated a dominant minority pack once that traditional way (i.e. not a Scoutreach unit). Highlight of my career. From start to finish, it took almost a full calendar yaer. They were unable to reacherter because they couldn't pay the fees.
  11. Historically, Commissioners had a blue insignia and Professionals had red. Now we both wear a red patch, but if you look closely at the current commissioner patch, it still has a blue fleur de lis
  12. Degree and a pulse, with the latter being negotiable.
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