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Everything posted by bslover

  1. I think the difference is that the DCSA is already different from other jobs in the Troop. DC is the only job that has a specific set of requirements for a special award that is worn for the rest of the time the boy is a Scout. SPL for instance serves for the length of time the troop decides and then the next Scout takes on the job. The DC is dedicating a year at least to the Cub program. All the positions of leadership for the boys are to teach and challenge them, but DC is not an easy job and a good chief can directly influence boys joining a Troop in the future.
  2. I like the idea of a knot (square or overhand) for the Den Chief Service Award. As a Scouter it would be great to have that achievement displayed next to my other knots. It takes a year to earn and I think is the only cord worn the whole time a youth stays in Scouts. I wonder if the issue might be the color since red, white, blue are the colors for the Eagle knot. I was very proud to wear the service cord after I moved on to other jobs in the Troop. Hope somebody can figure this out for all of us old Den Chiefs. I think this award makes more since as a knot than some of the other knots out there.
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