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  1. Was curious to know what the protocol is for this situation: Came into a pack where all of the current leaders and committee members are crossing over to boy scouts so the entire committee was stepping down. New members (myself included) have agreed to take the open committee positions and were voted in, now some of the old members decided they wanted to stay and refuse to step down. What is the protocol for this? If a member has been voted in is it not BSA policy to abide by that to avoid situations like these?
  2. Thank you both for your quick response and oh man it's so hard for me to sit on my hands and do nothing but that's why I'm getting suggestions because I don't want to step on any toes or jump in the middle of a hornets nest if it's not necessary... everyone claims to be leaving because they are boys are crossing over into Boy Scouts next year and they have their own committee and or because they have too much personal drama going on to uphold the position anymore it really is a big mess... in my opinion I feel like they got the grant money from our charter organization to fund the program for one more year for them and then they figure once they bail out it won't matter because they're already gone... problem is last year we got down to $20 in the bank account the fundraisers were failures and they couldn't even afford to buy the awards for the boys...the parents had to do most of that so I don't know where all the funds are going and nobody seems to have a record of it they haven't done any building maintenance or anything so what gives?
  3. Hi everyone I am new here and need some advice. I will try not to make this too long winded if I can.... basically this started last year when I was a tiger parent I watched our entire pack flounder around no communication misappropriation of funds etc. etc. this year I agreed to step up and be the Wolf leader and when I attended the first committee meeting it was revealed that every body on our current committee intends on the stepping down at the end of the year. So I did some asking around and got a group together that is willing to take over the committee and I am going to step up as the treasurer. My question to you guys is how can I get the current treasurer to step down with out having to go to the committee chair as she, the current treasurer, and secretary are all friends so they are protecting one another yet I know there is something going on with the books. They have not had a budget in four years, nobody keeps track of the funds,the treasurer's the only one with the checkbook and every time I ask a question such as how much did we receive from our Charter organization last year or how much do we get from fundraising etc. the treasurer can't seem to find these records.I keep saying that I'm in training and I need to figure these things out but the more I dig the more nasty they become about it so I'm wondering if all three of them might not have done something inappropriate with the funds like used it for personal loans as they have already having trouble at home... Where do I start and what do I do to try to get the treasurer removed before next February? I want to try to do it as anonymously as possible as they are all leaders of their groups as well.
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