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Everything posted by sergeantforbes

  1. I would also be interested in getting the medals for the following historic trails in Minnesota: L'Etoile Du Nord Historic Trail 1862 US-Dakota War Historic Trail I don't know for sure whether medals were ever issued for these trails, however. Patches are available. Any information would be appreciated.
  2. I would like to buy or trade for some Historic Trail Medals, as follows: Fort Snelling (Minnesota) Heidelberg (Germany) Vienna (Austria) I have patches for all of these, but never got the medals. I hiked the Heidelberg and Vienna Historic Trails when I was an ASM with the Transatlantic Council back in 1990-1991. Any help would be greatly appreciated by this veteran scouter. YIS, Geoff
  3. I would like to buy one of the green jac-shirts that were produced from 2003-2009: Olive Green Wool Shirt Jacket ADULT Medium or Large I need an adult Medium or Large. I have found other sizes for sale on eBay, but other sizes won't work for me. I have not found any of these anywhere else (Amazon, MN Trade-o-Ree, etc.). Any help would be greatly appreciated by this veteran scouter. Thanks! Geoff
  4. I am interested in buying one of these OD green Jac-Shirts. If anyone has one available in good condition, please let me know. I imagine I need an adult Large. geoffreyforbes<a>hotmail.com
  5. Hello, Fellow Scouters! I just joined this forum. I first registered as an adult scout leader in 1986 in St. Cloud, Minnesota; then was an ASM in Germany from 1990-1991; Scoutmaster of an inner city troop from 1992-1993; and then was inactive until I had my own sons. I became a Tiger den leader 5 years ago and joined the International Committee for the Northern Star Council (Minneapolis-St. Paul) 3 years ago. I'm a merit badge counselor for a number of merit badges, and have led contingents to several international scout jamborees. Glad to be in good company with all of you :-) I'm putting together a second uniform for myself now, and need to obtain one of the old orange & black Tiger den leader knot patches, which have been discontinued since I was awarded mine. The Scout Shops don't sell them anymore; nor does ScoutStuff.com. I've checked Amazon and eBay and the only ones I can find are privately made, but I'd like to by an authentic one. Can anyone help a fellow scouter out? Thank you!
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