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Everything posted by Chadamus

  1. RememberSchiff, to your point about pictures - maybe an album the parents can peruse on the Troop's website. Images of smiling, dirty faces so they can see how fun it can be. Calling all Webmasters... edited for spelling
  2. If adults aren't interesinterested in doing, then maybe hearing about it could be the approach. Passionate stories from Scouts filled with tales of adventure with friends might convince the parents that their sons are benefitting from an outdoor program. My .02¢
  3. What's your specialty?
  4. Reminds me of the old moonshine-as-fuel Mythbusters episode. Great stuff, that show.
  5. I'm thinking the answer to your question about the Military is more than we'd like, unfortunately. Same with the rank of Eagle.
  6. Is that their ambition when they join? Should it be? Is Eagle a Scout's ambition? Should it be?
  7. +1 Agreed. If I had someone listening over my shoulder in real life telling me to stay on topic, I wouldn't react in a very Scout-like manner.
  8. I interview, hire, and occasionally train employees for the company I work for. Many of the best hires have been young people with no prior work experience. When a person has no preconceived notions and is not already tainted or jaded from a prior employment, they are like a untouched piece of clay that can be easily molded into what we need.
  9. * $18 for the last ITOLS/ASM course I took. * Only the "Trained" patch. (I valued the meals ) * My son's Troop pays for the training because, well, they want trained leaders. I didn't ask anyone else so I can't speak for other Troops. * Apparently not, as there were many in attendance.
  10. @T2Eagle, If you feel uncomfortable enough to ask the question, you probably already know the answer. @SSF, let's please avoid assuming any intentions on the part of the Scouter in question.
  11. I've been toying with the idea of a topic-less thread for a while now. Goes call, Stosh. Let's see where this goes...
  12. No special pass for going off topic in a thread you created, I guess.
  13. Fill a bunch of ziplock bags with marshmallows. Get on your PC and find a festive font. Make and print a "Snowman Poop" label for each bag. Bonus: they can roast and enjoy their poop over the campfire. You're welcome
  14. I have benefited from Scouting my entire life. I felt my son could as well, so I started for him. I continue for all the other sons.
  15. Maybe we should say today's Eagle requires more (paperwork, projects), but there are more resources available to achieve it (technology, parents).
  16. I thought when a Scout received an award a congratulatory handshake went along with it. Must just be our Troop...
  17. ItsBrian, thanks for sharing. I'll check it out.
  18. By the time the Doctor regenerated into his 11th form he accepted that "times change, and so must I." As I currently have no skin in the game, I couldn't care less. My son's Cub uniform differed slightly from my own. Enough that I noticed, but not enough to make me forget that his Scouting experience (uniform included) doesn't (and shouldn't) have to be identical to mine.
  19. Mille, welcome to the forum. Thanks for all you do for Scouting!
  20. The circle behind BackPack's image is a white background, making it appear to . . . disappear.
  21. $40 annual dues. Optional subscription to Boy's Life is extra. Monthly campouts, activities, and summer camp are out of pocket. Dues cover registration and bling. Camp card and popcorn sales are the two major fundraisers.
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