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Everything posted by Chadamus

  1. Hi, Scotty! Welcome to the forum. Lots of great conversation to be found here. Glad your son is (re)enjoying his Scouting experience. Are you involved with his Troop in any capacity?
  2. We are unstoppable. Not because we do not have failures or doubts, but because we continue on despite them. - (with liberties taken from) Beau Taplin
  3. Kudos to you, @Eagle94-A1! Keep thinking like a proton and stay positive! 🙂
  4. Slight correction for those just tuning in. 😉
  5. Did your posts pass the test?! 😁
  6. That's good stuff, Barry. Thank you.
  7. @Vintage1, welcome to the forum. My son's Troop is active year-round. I have heard of Troops that take the summer off, but from my experience those are in the minority.
  8. Find an artist! Supply the paint, brushes, some BBQ and iced tea for her or him and have the Scouts inventory and clean the contents with their Quartermaster while their trailer is being spruced up. You might find an Artist MB counselor in the process. 😉
  9. Thanks for all you do for the Cubs @Haukehaien! Welcome to the forum.
  10. Ask your son what he wants to do with them. 😉
  11. @arronisoutside welcome to the forum!
  12. Hello, @ncscouterz! Welcome to Scouter dot com!
  13. Hello @MsAinGH, welcome to the forum and thanks for all you do for the Cubs!
  14. 😕 Hmmm odd that you've gone six months without something that is included with all registration fees.
  15. @AkelaSarah welcome to the forum, and thanks for all you do for Scouting!
  16. Hello, @GrizzlyCM. Welcome to the forum!
  17. I was thinking I wouldn't want a non-Scouter to watch it either. Welcome to the forum, @Bowline!
  18. Welcome to the forum, @SamMidkiff!
  19. Let's take a breath, a step back, a re-read @Zebra132's post where @Sentinel947 and @69RoadRunner are mentioned. Consider that Zebra132's use of the word "they" doesn't refer to either of you fine forum members, but instead the council referred to in his post on Friday at 12:25pm. Internet forums . . . sigh.
  20. Bah, urban legend. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-urinating/ @Chisos +1for the Reyes Syndrome /asprin advice.
  21. @Setonfan, welcome to the forum! What's your role in Scouting?
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