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Everything posted by Chadamus

  1. Resurrecting an old thread to ask a similar question without starting a new one: Merit Badge sashes during a Scout Sunday service: yay or nay? I cannot find any official answer. Thanks in advance!
  2. Mine expired on 7/5/14 so it was available at least as "recently" as 2012. @@Jackdaws i feel your pain.
  3. Having seen the changes I can attest that this is key. Well said, Barry.
  4. Thank you for sharing. Well done,Troop 1. Scout Salute!
  5. @@qwazse good point there that got me thinking which would disappoint me more: a 15 year old Eagle that quits or a 15 year old 2nd Class Scout? In both instances the program isn't offering enough of whatever it is the boy is looking for. One isn't worse than the other. To answer the question Cubmaster Pete, other than on this forum, I've never heard the term "Eagle out."
  6. While the link is not exactly applicable to the title of this thread, it's interesting to read one opinion on the OA.
  7. @@Stosh I applaud you. Its unfortunate more people don't or can't do the came.
  8. Share that ISBN with us if you remember to write it down the next time you're in the library. Please and thanks!
  9. Depending on which source you use to back-up your side of the discussion, as low as 2% of Americans farm their own food. Most are vegetables i presume. Meat? Less likely. Grains? Somewhere in between. Dairy? I don't know anyone with a cow.
  10. Here's a (complete?) resource for us here to the north of you in Georgia. Not a map per-se, but it's a start. http://ini-to324.org/WTGCG/bsacamps.htm
  11. Biggest challenges? Short and simply: Not knowing where to look for the answers, and much later realizing I didn't even know all the questions I should be asking. When my son crossed over, the idea that he could join any Troop was foreign to me. His Cub Scout Pack was a feeder for his current Troop. Same CO. As a youth I was in the same position, so I thought his progression was proper simply because it mirrored mine. So, right from the start, I lacked knowledge. I've since tried to sponge as much information as I can. This forum has been a huge part of that absorption. Other Scouters, books, magazines, websites, etc have helped me immensely. As I've learned, I've changed my approach. Once example: At the end of a Troop campout, the SPL lines the boys up, spreads them out, and tells them where they're to look for trash. After 10 yards I tell three shoulder-to-shoulder boys to "spread-out so your search is more effective." At the time I thought I was doing the right thing. These days I've learned to sit back keep my mouth shut and let the SPL handle the situation. Again, lack of knowledge had been my biggest challenge.
  12. @@Eagledad Absolutely. Even with all my experience as a youth, I was a few months into my role as ASM before i felt like i was getting it right. The difference between Cubs and Boys is like day and night. My son's journey through Cubs deprogrammed me. Getting back into the Patrol Method mindset took time.
  13. Reads like something from The Onion. Good stuff, Tahawk.
  14. Even for some with Scouting experience, Barry. Finger pointed squarely at myself!
  15. In theory? It's faster. My mom is the same. Palmer method: painfully slow and methodical, yet beautiful at the same time. I print in all caps like you.
  16. I assume peppers are popular across all our States. Maybe I shouldn't assume. I was thinking globally, Calico.
  17. Yes, Gwaihir, the red loops can still be worn. Check post #9 in this thread for more information. I wear the red ones. Red unit numbers also
  18. Age and maturity have less to do with it than the type and place of one's upbringing IMO. Some eat peppers with every meal. (Probably not ghost peppers however?) I've had people look at me like I'm crazy because I've munched on a habanero with lunch. Others have never tasted one, surely. Wife and I grow and enjoy different types of peppers as have my in-laws for many years. Age is irrelevant. HOW one decides to consume them is another story. I can think of far better ways to raise money than punishing myself by eating 23 ghost peppers.
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