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  1. Just saw this news item about nearly 800 former scouts suing (see link), who claim to have abused by over 350 abusers: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49253696 In another video I heard a lawyer saying that most of the plaintiffs are 50 and 60 years old.
  2. YouTube Commentary on change: The attached link is to a YouTube commentator I get in my feed who just commented on the name change, and she makes some interesting points. She is originally from Slovenia, and not the United States, so she can come at things from a slightly different angle. I am presenting this as "food for thought":
  3. Thanks to everyone for the input about the boy scout with autism. It just struck me as such a sad story, and I feel bad for him. In regards to the Merit Badge Colleges/Fairs - has any thought been given to the merit badge requirements being an incentive for these organizations? I have been looking over the merit badge requirements, and they seem overly complicated and elaborate to me. The merit badge requirements as written seemed to encourage shortcuts (like MB Colleges) or for a scout to spend most of his time away from the troop if he wants to earn then in a valid manner. Maybe simpler more straightforward requirements might take away the incentive for MB colleges. I know am missing something here, but just want to get a better idea.
  4. Attached is a link to a article about a Boy Scout with Dows Syndrome and Autism whose application for Eagle Scout has been rejected. Does anyone know anything more on this issue? https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/father-sues-boy-scouts-america-rejecting-15-year-old-son-syndrome-autism-eagle-scout-153042248.html
  5. I think that BSA will continue as a organization, but that it will have to either change greatly or retrench and rebuild over a log period of time. Unfortunately, many organizations for boys have come and gone, so it is possible (but unlikely) that BSA could be unsustainable. However, its size and brand name value, make it more resilient than most other organizations. For some perspective, attached is a link to a site documenting kids organizations of the past. The link opens up to the page for "Open Road Pioneers Club" that was a Boy Scout like organization that existed from 1920's to 1950's, and the ended when the magazine that sponsored it went out of business. http://vintagekidstuff.com/open/open.html
  6. I can understand your feelings towards medication, but I have been diagnosed with depression. The medications, I have used for years have been very beneficial to me. So we can just agree to disagree. As for staying, once again I understand your point, but what I meant was to let him know he is wanted, and if he has to take time off to deals with things he is always welcome back. People in this frame of mind tend to only see limited options and everything is black and white. It is very important to let someone depressed know that multiple options exist for them.
  7. First of all bless you for caring about this boy. I have a little experience in this area and as bad as it sounds there are positive signs 1) his parents actually care about him (that is rarer than you might think), and 2) if he is getting professional help that is a gigantic step forward. If he is suffering from depression than medications will help a great deal. Nothing "cures" depression, but medications can make the symptoms less severe and less frequent. I would recommend the following as things that can help: 1. Always be positive in your interactions. 2. Let him know that you want him to stay, but if he wants to take some time off he will always be welcome back (boys in this mood tend to have an all or nothing mindset). 3. Try and see if rather than just sitting you can get him to be active, even if only by himself. It might be a first step, and movement has magical properties to help heal. Maybe there is a merit badge he might like to work on (a sense of progress or accomplishment can mean a great deal). Any improvement that comes will be incremental and inconsistent, and you can only be a small part of the solution. His parents and professional help is what will matter the most. Best of luck.
  8. I worked with statistics through most of my professional life, and looking at the numbers given my main impression is that they are not very useful for any kind of analysis. The numbers are too general for any valid comparisons to be made with previous years. The numbers for each group needs to be broken down to show more specific details. Once again examples have already been brought up by other forum members: Cubs: What percentage of the total numbers is composed of the new "Lion" program. Scouts: How much of the 12K increase was do to LDS Venturing Crews reverting to Scout troops. Venturing: How much of the decline was caused by LDS crews leaving the program, and will be a one time loss. From a strictly financial standpoint the question arises, how much membership is required to support the BSA's current infrastructure and fixed costs. In future reports, it would be interesting to see what the number of girls who join the various programs will be. The current report seems to me to be more for PR than for analysis and management. Thank you PS Being a "Numbers Geek" is not easy.
  9. A link to the "Patches" comic book mentioned: http://comicbookplus.com/?dlid=61389
  10. I checked and ScoutmasterCG has posted today Podcast 352.
  11. I thought ths might make for some interesting, and non-controversial, discussion topic. A website "The Art of Manliness" is launching a new program "The Strenuous Life", which is basically a Boy Scout Program for adults. It will include a handbook and even merit badges. I was wondering what everyone this of the idea. Attached is a link to the website: https://strenuouslife.co/ Please note that I am not endorsing the program, and I have concerns about some of the ideas and information on "The Art of Manliness" website. However, I would be curious to know what everyone thinks.
  12. By accident I was doing some historical research on line, and came across some information regarding Howard Hughes. He was not a billionaire (just a small boy), but his family was rich. His father wanted him to associate with regular boys, so he saw sent to Dan Beard's camp in Pennsylvania. I think this might have still been under Beard's old organization "Sons of Daniel Boone". Apparently, young Howard took camp very seriously. He voluntarily turned in a badge (Buckskin Badge) that he had received, because he violated the rules by eating some candy. Below is a narrative I found on line about Howard Hughes' experience at the camp (apparently helicopter mothers are nothing new): In 1916, when Howard jr. was 11, this unhealthy bond between mother and son was disrupted for the first time when he boldly asked to attend a boys camp in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. It’s founder was the much loved and well respected Daniel Carter Beard ( a former US army rough rider and co-founder of the Boys Scouts of America). The camp was sort of a survival school for eastern preppies who had been pampered since birth.To his mother, Allene, Beard wrote of Howard jr., “He is an interesting little chap…he shows no sign of homesickness at all and seems very happyâ€. Allene would send her many letters of concerns for Howard jr.’s health and safety to Beard even if there wasn’t a single real cause for alarm. After nearly 6 weeks away from home, Howard jr. became sun-bronzed and sturdy and even boated on Lake Teedyuskung with the camp’s first-timers or “tenderfoots†, and camped out overnight. He even learned to make fires without matches, fry up a breakfast of bacon and flapjacks and excelled in bird studies in “scoutcraftâ€. But Allene just couldn’t leave her son alone and she wrote her pitiful letters again telling Beard of her fear for the polio virus. Against, Beard’s protests Allene took her son out of the camp, to Howard jr.’s disappointment ,embarrassment and humiliation.
  13. Has anyone considered that the nature f boys has changed since BSA was created. I know this is heresy, but maybe organizing boys into small groups (patrols) is becoming a negative. By this I am that boys seem to be more individualistic, and less interested in being part of a group: - Some sociologists have noted that males tend to get together with other males because they have to, not because they want to. - Many of them activities boys do today (computers, video games...) are done alone. - People in general seem to have more trouble getting along with other people (at least that seems to be my impression) - Communities seem to be a lot looser, and social standards seem almost none existent. - More people work alone (via internet) than ever before, so the link between social skills and life is more tenuous. I am not saying this is a good thing, in fact I think it is a bad thing. But you have to work with the world you have, and not the world you want. I know people will not agree with this, but I think it is at least a factor that should be considered.
  14. I wanted to thank everybody for their recommendations. I mentally coorelated it and passed it on to my nephew, so he could make an informed decision on his own.
  15. I am trying to help my plan out summer camp for this year. I have never been a scout and have never gone to summer camp, so I am trying to tap into the communities collective wisdom for help. I am always willing to steal a good idea. From reading some posts, it seems that their is a negative feeling towards over doing merit badge classes at camp. I wanted to confirm if my impression is correct or not. If merit badge classes are overdone, then does anyone have any suggestions for the following: 1. How many merit badge classes should a boy scout take at summer camp? 2. Any suggestions on type of badges (Eagle required, aquatic....)? 3. From what I can determine, merit badges seem to be the main focus at summer camp. If a boy scout limits the number of classes he takes, what alternatives should be consider? My nephew tends to focus on the merit badge classes, because they are familiar (like school), and he gets a tangible result from them. I would like for him to concentrate on making good memories instead, but I do not really know what to tell him. The decision is his, and I support whatever he decides, but when someone comes to me for advise, I feel the need to give the best advise possible. Thank you to everyone who responds in advance.
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