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  • Gender
  • Location
    Springfield, MO
  • Occupation
    Self Employed
  • Interests
    My Kids, Scouts, Camping, Reading, Crafting
  • Biography
    Hello, I have a 1st grader this year and went from being den mom, to assistant den leader, to awards chair, to committee chair, in 4 months. :-) Our pack was loosing scouts due to being unorganized and lack of events and communications. I love doing scouts, and will be at it for a long while as my 3 year old already things he's a scout, and my oldest wants to be an Eagle Scout. I am needing to talk to others dealing with pack issues to figure out things.

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  1. Hello, I have a tiger (about to be wolf) Scout and am now the new committee chair for the pack. The pack was starting to be scattered, disorganized and loosing scouts right as we joined, I took up the position to make it the best for all scouts including my son, who loves the whole thing and cant wait to be an Eagle Scout. I started with the new program, however the older dens are having a hard time with the switch. They all have in there head that they need to have everything done by Blue and Gold in February. I am looking at the new leader guide which says Webleos 2 Cross over to Boy scouts in February. (at blue and gold) and that the rest of the pack would rank up in May sometime. Is this correct? My scout office said to do it how we want, but with the new program, our Tigers could not finish everything by February. Especially since the dens only meet once a month and one pack meeting a month. I did convince them to do 2 den meetings and 1 pack meeting a month for the next year, so that will help, but it seems that the program is designed for all but Webelos to finish up about May. I happened to get a leader book printed in 1999 and even it talks about "ranking up" in May. Any one else have issues like this or any advice on best way to approach this to make it easier for those older but also streamline those just coming into scouts. Thanks So Much Samantha Pack 111 - Kings Way - Springfield, MO
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