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Everything posted by tnmule20

  1. Do you really think the Middle Tennessee council has a target on it's back now? Will they be unfairly targeted?
  2. If we lose 100 councils will there not be areas of the country that will have no Scouting at all? Do you think surrounding councils will really want to absorb other councils that may be poorly run?
  3. Why would the BSA feel the need to wade into this? Does National not know the Scout oath and the Scout law? I just marked a Scouts rank advancement tonight about how he lives the law and the oath in his daily life. As Scouts that is what we are called to do. Does National not think we take take the law and the oath seriously. We must all share in the collective guilt, right. Purely political. Sad.
  4. Ok. Wow. Above my pay grade as a volunteer.
  5. Then it looks like National is factoring in Council properties as total assets.
  6. This from the Washington Post today: A key question will be whether the Boy Scouts of America will be able to protect the assets of the local councils, which own camps and properties in prime real estate throughout the country. The local councils are incorporated separately but hold 70 percent of the Boy Scouts’ wealth, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis. Pfau and other lawyers bringing abuse lawsuits against the Boy Scouts said they were skeptical the organization would be able to shield the local councils. “That is wishful thinking, because in every Boy Scout case we file, the local councils are named,” along with the local sponsoring organizations, such as churches or schools, Pfau said. Many of these institutions could be implicated in the claims, making for an even more complicated bankruptcy case, said Pfau, who specializes in representing victims in abuse cases against institutions such as the Boy Scouts and Catholic dioceses.
  7. Thank you. The Troop is storming right now. Adults and Youth alike. I'm not sure how to get it back on track. I am a new Scoutmaster and the help that I was promised has not come to fruition. It's hard to get help when you don't know who will show up week to week. No consistency. Scouts seems to always take a back seat to whatever else it going on. Plus, I don't think anyone knows what their position entails, including the CC.
  8. Does the Scoutmaster take care of everything pertaining to recharter? All of the leaders in my Troop seem to think so including the CC.
  9. I really like the old green and silver Scoutmaster patch. It is a bit smaller than today's patch. Is it still an official patch? Can it still be worn on today's uniform?
  10. I just read an article about a 16 year old Boy Scout losing his life due to dehydration on a hike in the Arizona desert. https://www.foxnews.com/us/boy-scout-dies-arizona-desert First, let me express my deepest condolences to his Family, Friends, and Troop. I would like to hear the forum's opinions on the liability of being a Boy Scout leader. Not just about this terrible tragedy but across the board. There are so many different things happening within the BSA right now. Personal responsibility and personal liability are always in the mix regardless of whether the BSA insurance covers you. Just an open ended question that can go in many different directions. Thank you for your responses.
  11. All well and good until female assets start to emerge and your scouts wonder what the hell has happened to Jimmy. Well boys Jimmy is actually June. The dude that I have become buddies with is actually a chick. Talk about confusing. But then again these kids nowadays are growing up with some strange stuff and it may not phase them. It's all about pushing the "new normal".
  12. Sad, Very sad. My son and I will be looking into Trail Life USA. We are being mollycoddled into thinking this is the new normal. The BSA has failed the boys that it was created to serve. The transgender paradigm does nothing but service the liberal/progressive agenda that is out to destroy our sons. The only way the BSA makes this work is by going co-ed like the Venturing model and doing away with Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.
  13. !!! POST OLS UPDATE !!! Well OLS was this past weekend and it was great. I was in a good patrol with some great people. We arrived at Boxwell Reservation around 5:30 on Friday and had an immediate pack shakedown. Our Patrol Guide let us know what we didn't need and we left it in the truck. We then all had a short hike to Camp Beany Elam where we picked up our patrol gear and our rations for the weekend. The patrol gear consisted of a bear bag, bear bag rope, oops bag, oops bag rope, and a dining fly. After we divided up the gear and food and got it in our packs we walked down to our patrol campsite. As a patrol we put all the food and smellables into the bear bag and put it up in a tree. Then we put up the dining fly and lastly we set up our individual tents. Friday night we had a dutch oven dinner that all the Leaders had prepared and it was good. After dinner we had some presentations and then to bed. Saturday morning down came the bear bag and we ate breakfast. Broke camp and packed everything up. All day Saturday we had training classes. In map and compass we made sand maps. First aid was split in two, Group A went into the woods looking for victims(real Boy Scouts from Troop 217) of a plane crash in various states of injury. We assessed and assisted the injured and transported them to a central location. Group B learned about AED's and general first aid then the groups switched. We learned about water purification and all the ways to to that. We learned about camp stoves and one pot cooking. We had a nature hike. We had a knots class and a lashing class. That afternoon we put our packs on and hiked to Camp Craig and camped by Old Hickory Lake. It was a beautiful spot. We pitched camp and started cooking dinner but our dragonfly stove wasn't running right so it took a while but we got it done. My patrol was Service Patrol that night and we had to build the campfire. Did I mention that it had rained and the wood was wet. We found what wood we could and luckily I had left my fire starters in my pack and we got a good fire going even thought it was wet. We had skits and songs around the campfire and a cracker barrel after that. By 9pm the Troop was pretty beat and most went to bed. Around 11:30 we had thunder, lighting, and heavy rain but we made it through. Sunday morning we drop the bear bag and eat breakfast and then break camp. We had a seminar about hiking gear and then for the hike back to Camp Beany Elam we had an orienteering challenge. My patrol did alright finding the points but we didn't get them all within the allotted time. Once back at Beany we dropped our packs and changed into Class A. We had a Sunday service and then the closing ceremony where we got our OLS cards, our Totin Chip, and out TRAINED patch. The Leaders of this course treat you as a Boy Scout for the weekend and as if you are preparing to go to Philmont for a 50 to 100 mile hike. Other than the trouble with the stove, the snoring, and one of our Patrol Leaders letting the power go to their head we had a great time. I had a great time and learned a lot. I met some people I hope to stay in touch with. Overall it was a positive experience. Thanks to all of you that gave advice.
  14. I do not have any camping experience as a Scout. My camping experience has been car camping with the Cub Scouts for the last two years. This is directly from the registration page of our IOLS, "This is not a classroom presentation, camporee or truck camping; this is a Walking OLS. You will hit the trail to adventure carrying everything you need in your pack on your back necessary to live comfortable in the outdoors, sleep two nights in a tent you pitched, cook your meals on stoves or a fire you built and earn the rewards of being a competent camper. Experienced instructors will give you hands-on training in the outdoor and camping skills required for Tenderfoot through First Class ranks. Learn packing and hiking techniques, map & compass skills, camp set-up, menu planning and cooking, knots & lashings, first aid, nature identification, woods tools safety, campfire programs and Leave No Trace. During this course you will use the buddy system, the EDGE and Patrol Methods." Sounds interesting.
  15. It is a 2 night camp. Arrive 6pm on Friday and leave mid-day Sunday, I hope it is hands on, I'm looking forward to learning some new stuff.
  16. I am a Den Leader in our pack and our den is moving to Webelos I. I thought this would be a good course to take. I have found the IOLS booklet pdf on the net and am going over it. Any wisdom on how to prepare would be appreciated. I know this can be a broad range of topics but just chime in with whatever you think might help a greenhorn. Thanks in advance.
  17. Here is the pack. Thanks Krampus on info for posting pics.
  18. I have looked things over and must be missing where or how to post a picture. Maybe I'm too new to the forum and don't have privileges. Any suggestions?
  19. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I went to REI on Saturday and tried some packs. I really like the Osprey Atmos 65. The suspension keeps the pack off of your back so you don't get as sweaty. Did not come home with it because I'm not ready to spend $300 on a pack yet. So I started checking my local Craigslist and I found something interesting. A gentleman in my town had a Jansport Rainier for sale. He said it had never been used and he wanted $65. I offered him $50 and now I'm the owner of a new to me backpack. Now don't flame me too hard. Yes is is an external frame pack but I like it. I started loading it down and trekking around the yard and it felt almost as good as the $300 Osprey. The external frame keeps the pack off your back and the weight distribution was mostly on my hips like it should be. I am pleasantly surprised. It has plenty of room inside for sleeping bag and camp pillow. I can strap my tent to the bottom and sleep pad to the top. Has the front open compartment. Lots of pockets. I think it will suit me fine for now. Thanks again for the knowledge. I was going to post a picture but not sure how to.
  20. I plan on attending our spring OLS training and I need a backpack. This will be a 2 night camp. I have been looking at the High Sierra Appalachian 75 for this purpose. I know it will be too big for just 2 nights but I'm thinking of the future and longer trips. Do most of you have multiple size packs for different length trips? I would like to buy one and be done or should I invest in a smaller and larger pack. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
  21. Quite the philosophical discussion. I did not mean to put a burr under anyone's saddle. I am a co-den leader for our Bears and am looking forward to moving to Webelos 1. I am position-specific trained as a Den Leader, Cubmaster, and Committee Member. I do have my Trained patch but I'm still learning. I attended the UoS for BALOO and enjoyed it. I will put my UoS patches in the drawer with the others I will attain. By the way Stosh, the dutch oven class was under the same pavilion that we were using and it smelled really good. Man, you keep talking about meat and potatoes, veggies, gravy and dessert, you're making me hungry.
  22. I recently attended the MTCBSA University of Scouting and earned my Bachelors. Do leaders wear the UoS patches on their uniform? If so, where? Our patch is too big to go on the right pocket as a temporary, so I wondered if it could go above the right pocket. The patch did not come with a loop but I thought about attaching one to it to wear on the button of right pocket. It's a good looking patch and I would like to wear it, but if it is overkill then let me know. Thanks.
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