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Everything posted by Ranman328
No it is not a damning statement to make against boys. Maybe you have not read about all the issues that transpired at the Scout Jamboree over the summer. Dozens of reports of Scouts inappropriate behavior toward females at the event. The fact that they will be handing out condoms at the World Jamboree is very disturbing to me as well. You go ahead and look at this from your point of view and I hope it never hits close to your back yard. Thank you for your opinion and I will move on.
Sir, I don't know what to say, as a father of two boys, I am not sure what I would do or say. I am not sure I would be in Scouting any longer because my protective father instinct would probably have taken over. I applaud you for holding back. As a Scout Leader, I am disgusted that an SPL and a group in the PLC would do this. There is no place in scouting for this type of behavior. I understand the event was not a Scouting event but it occurred to a Scout by other Scouts in the same Troop. We teach them to protect each other not assault each other. Personally, as a Scoutmaster, I would have a meeting with the parents and Scouts that participated in the attach and hand each of them an application and ask them to complete a Transfer to another Troop as their behavior is not acceptable in this Troop. I would hand them a list of other Troops in the area. I am not sure they should be in the same Troop any longer. I have read some good advice on here to let the District handle it. As you have said, anything you do or say will be under the microscope. I hope your Scout does not quit Scouting because of this. I am very sorry your Scout and Family had to deal with this.
I couldn't agree more! Especially since we are recruiting girls into Scouts. Some on this Forum might not agree but girls will be going out camping with tents right next to boys. If boys will do this to another boy, they will certainly try it with girls. I am sad and disappointed to read this situation.
I couldn't agree more. Just because they take the uniform off doesn't mean they stop being a Scout. The fact that they are Scouts and Stand up in front of everyone each week and recite the Scout Oath and Scout Law and still did this makes me sick. It also makes me wonder what they haven't been caught for. No place in Scouting for this. Any and all discussion in front of the Troop should require all parents of the Troop be there. Make everyone involved see what is going on there. Sounds like some parents need a wake up call as well.
You are right, "saying" and "doing" are two different things. Not a very good example to set for her cub scout daughter that was standing right there. Certainly not in the teachings of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Definitely not in the Scout Spirit.
So my wife and I are at the Scout Store Friday buying supplies for our Court of Honor on Tuesday and at the register there is this lady buying a pile of girl Cub Scout uniform items to include leggings. She is giving this poor kid behind the counter who couldn't be more than 18 or 19 years old a hard time about how it is so unfair that there has to be a female leader at all events if there are any girls in the Pack. She wants this kid to explain to her why this is fair. She goes on to tell him that she is going to file a discrimination lawsuit against BSA and that she already has her letter ready. I look at my wife and she is doing all she can to bite her lip and not go off on this lady. First off, this lady appears to be new to scouting as she is buying all new uniforms for girls and she is already complaining and threatening lawsuits. If you are already this turned off by the BSA rules, why are you joining? I can see now that is all we are going to see is a bunch of lawsuits complaining of discrimination and wanting the rules and requirements changed to suit girls. Sad times in BSA
Been there, done that. Get lots of head bobbing and it never gets done. Gets to the point when parents just drop at the door and go. They want to have their Scout in a great program but they don't want to have to give up any time or effort to support it. I call them out in emails, in Troop Meetings, Court of Honor's, you name it. When enough events get cancelled, maybe then they will step up. I should not be working more hours in a week at my volunteer job (Scouts) than I do at my paid job.
might be funny to watch
Don't be so sure. Some of these Scouts come up with some interesting ideas.
It's amazing to make announcements at the beginning of each Troop Meeting and asking for anything for the good of the Troop and me telling the parents "We need volunteers to step up for events" and they all just sit there looking at you with blank looks. These are the same people wanting the leaders to make exceptions for their scouts that would require those same leaders to take additional time from their families to accommodate the request. Frustrating to say the least.
I don't like the new YPT rules either and it doesn't have anything to do with girls. It looks like I am going to have to cancel our first Troop Event on Monday. I don't have two 21 year or older YPT trained leaders to go on our five mile hike and orienteering course. I usually put together some type of hike or bike ride on the Holiday's like Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Presidents Day etc. It is a good chance to knock out some of those Advancement and Merit Badge Requirements for the new boys. This time I have seven Scouts and five adults going one of which is a YPT Trained leader (ME). Just can't seem to get the adults to take the class. Had a couple of them attempt to take it and the web site crapped out and they gave up. Thanks BSA!
I remember those days! I gave all my then Bears a wood knife they had to put together. We used this to practice opening and closing the blade and then I gave them all the real thing and we went live. I had 16 in my Den and was lucky no one ever cut themselves. The funny thing is, BSA does not have a rule against fixed blade or sheath knives. I allow sheath knives no longer than 4 inches in my troop. I have not had any scouts cut themselves. Folding knives on the other hand is a different story. It is sad that people are changing the requirements and watering down the program. I just recently had to tell several of my scouts that they couldn't deliver mulch using a wheel barrel. They are 12 and according to the new Guide to Safe Scouting, scouts under 14 are not allowed to use Wheel Barrels or wagons. They can use an axe, hatchet, knife, fire and propane stoves but not a wheel barrel. Strange.
Already seeing and hearing this from Adult Leaders within our area. Lots of questions about making exceptions and changing the requirements. Unfortunately, I think that is where it is headed. I predict the first lawsuit no later than February 2019.
SM Conference for higher ranks ONLY on campouts?
Ranman328 replied to Hawkwin's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Yea, our Troop is only 25 Scouts so it does make it a little easier. We have an internal award for our Scouts called the Scout of the Quarter. We give points for coming to meetings, campouts, fundraisers, merit badges, rank, leadership, etc. We post the running tally so Scouts see where they stand in the running. We always have one or two scouts that wait until the last minute to get their rank in but we get them through like you. -
SM Conference for higher ranks ONLY on campouts?
Ranman328 replied to Hawkwin's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Had a Scout email me this past Saturday night that he completed his 5 mile hike. Included pictures of map and compass used as well as the route taken. It was the last thing he needed before his SMC and BOR. He requested a SMC and BOR. I emailed him back "Be in Class A and have your handbook and Eagle Binder at Tuesday's meeting" Sent an email to the Troop Committee and within minutes, had five Committee Members respond that would be there to conduct a BOR. Proud to say the Scout earned rank last night. Our Troop has cut off dates for our COH and September 30 is the cut off date for our COH in October. It gives our Advancement Chair time to get everything together, go to scout store to purchase all awards etc. We have a campout this weekend and this scout is attending and yes, I could have said we would do it then. I might not have been able to get Committee Members to complete his BOR and September 30 comes and goes and he has to wait until January to receive his award. In the end, the scout would get punished. As I have said before, I will do everything in my power to get these Scouts to rank up. If they put in the work, so will I. I try to teach the Scouts that hard work does pay off. @Hawkwin, Keep up the good fight. Your Scout deserves better. -
I have a discussion with the entire Troop when we start our Patrol and Troop Elections. I tell them the election is not a popularity contest. I make each scout give a short speech about their qualifications and why they want to be a Leader in the Troop. I encourage the Scouts to vote for the person they feel best can lead their patrol. Ask themselves do they want a Scout in as Quartermaster that is only trying to check the box for Position of Rank and not do his job and get to a campout and find out he didn't get or bring required supplies. They will quickly find out how it works. I just had a discussion with my youngest son. A Life Scout was voted in as the PL and asked my son to be his Assistant (knowing he is the SM son and would be at all the meetings). As you know the Assistant Patrol Leaders do not get credit as a POR. In our Troop for some reason, we do weekly Patrol Leader Council Conference Calls (Something I will soon change to monthly face to face meetings). Since the elections in April, the Patrol Leader has only been on three PLC calls and missed six Troop Meetings, got in trouble for leaving Camp at a Campout. My son is upset that he has attended all these meetings and has been the one serving as the PL but will not get credit. I reminded him of the advice I give out during elections. The popular kid got elected and he gets to do the work. Welcome to the real world. I told him to remember this when elections come back up and this Scout runs for another Leadership position.
SM Conference for higher ranks ONLY on campouts?
Ranman328 replied to Hawkwin's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Your Scout should not have to wait that long for a SMC. That is entirely unacceptable! I would request that either the SM do it immediately or he turn it over to an ASM to accomplish. The Scout is being punished in this situation. Absolutely ridiculous. -
SM Conference for higher ranks ONLY on campouts?
Ranman328 replied to Hawkwin's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Don't apologize! Four days is more than enough time to respond to a Parent or Scout Concern. If their life is so busy that they can't or won't read or respond to emails, then maybe they need to take on a lesser role with the Troop. As a CC, CM and now SM, I try to respond within 24 hours or sooner even if it is only a response that I have received the email and am working it. Isn't is odd that they already had plans to discuss this very situation at the next committee meeting but they couldn't inform you of this. You did the right thing. I feel that I serve the Scouts ad will do whatever necessary to make sure the Scouts Rank up as soon as they can. It is sad when sometimes the power of being in charge and holding a Scout's rank advancement in their hands makes them feel important. -
Is "Adding Requirements" the new/old buzz phrase?
Ranman328 replied to Eagledad's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I would think a Scout refusing to answer a question or refuse to recite the Scout Oath or Law would fall under "Scout Spirit" If there was a "Scout Spirit" issue in our Troop, the Scout might not have a successful BOR. I have had many discussions with the "Committee" not wanting to convene a BOR because one of the Board didn't think the Scout showed enough Scout Spirit. I had to remind them that they can not refuse a BOR. They do not have to recommend the Scout gets rank but they should have a very good reason not granting it. That being said, I am a Scouting traditionalist and feel the Scout should proudly wear the uniform to all formal events. If a Scout can't afford one, I would have no problem purchasing one for him. I would rather do that than have a potential Scout not join because of money. As I don't agree with all the changes that BSA has made, I still feel that the BSA program gives these boys more opportunities to become better people. -
@qwazse I don't see anywhere in your bold writings above where it says anything about BSA allowing COED DENS????? I have said all along that BSA says they can meet at the same time and place in a group setting all they want. What I am saying is they can not meet as a coed Den. IMO, before any girl Dens are set up, there should be the correct "Trained" leadership in place to get the girls going. No one should be waiting until after the fact. According to the guidelines, they need to have a trained female leader at all events.
I understand what you are saying but that is not what is going on here. They are talking about just putting this girl in the Den with the boys and calling it a day. It is not a separate meeting area, it will be a coed Den,. That is a against the guidelines according to what BSA put out. I have no problem with joint Pack meetings or even the occasional group get together if they are all working on the same requirement but not making one big group. I haven't even heard if they have female leaders in place for this girl to even be in that Den. That is another issue in itself. The more I think about it, I would just follow the guidance they have already put out.
Scouting Magazine - betting the farm on girls
Ranman328 replied to gblotter's topic in Issues & Politics
Funny you mention all of these. That was the first thing my wife said when she read the magazine. Her response was "I thought this was going to be for both boys and girls, where are all the boys?" -
I do believe the policy is NO coed Dens. They are either Boy Dens or Girl Dens. You have obviously read the policy as you clearly state boy and girl dens not mixed Dens. As a Volunteer who just watched a 40 year Scouter spend several thousand dollars of his own money and be forced to retire from a government job while defending himself which he did from a false accusation, I am just passing along information that if you choose to run your Pack, Troop, Crew or whatever contrary to BSA guidelines, you are on your own. I watched BSA abandon a man the first chance they got. Be careful is I am saying. Perception is everything and if someone even thinks they perceive something unusual, they will raise a stink.
The only advice I would give is make sure you follow YPT rules and have all the correct trained leaders in place to cover yourself if you are going to go against National Policy. It is my experience that BSA will run the other way if they can and not support or cover volunteer leaders if they don't have to. I'm not trying to be a downer but I just lost a great ASM with over 40 years of BSA experience over a false accusation. BSA ran as fast as they could the first chance they got when they thought YPT was not followed. Cover yourself while at the same time trying to provide a great program for the kids. Good Luck and welcome aboard
SM Conference for higher ranks ONLY on campouts?
Ranman328 replied to Hawkwin's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Good luck as well. I hope it works out. Your Scout should not have to wait.