Okay, a long post for my introductory contribution. I notice these attacks are one-way only: against anything for men and boys, Christian, traditional, or reverent. I've been an activist my entire adult life beginning as an undergraduate at Penn State. You never, ever, ever see the reverse. Normal poeple have no disire to force themselves on another and can't imagine it. It is the stock in trade of the so-called liberal. Allow me to elaborate.
There is something hateful and arrogant about the "block busters" who appoint themselves the mission of "breaking barriers" and other sillily named excuses to meddle where they are not wanted or needed, for that matter.
One example comes from my Rotary Club days in the mid 80s. Some "gal" blew in one day for lunch and announced to no one in particular that she was here to grace us with her female presence, as Rotary was simply too patriarchical/misogynistic/whatever/blah-blah-blah. This, she intoned, was MOST IMPORTANT. Further, she was experienced, having been the local block buster for a neighboring city's Kiwanis.
Sadly for our smasher of glass walls, we already had a woman Rotarian, the wife of a long-time member who always accompanied her husband as a guest.
We never saw this dedicated Rotarian candidate again. There was simply no thrill to joining our little band of businessmen and helping out. No, not so sexy as making the headlines or feeling all holier-than-thou as Special Snowflakes are wont to feel.
These girls are a different case. They are literally blowing with the wind, doing whatever their puppet-masters suggest. Tools, in other words.
That is a travesty.
Girls need a space of their own just as much as boys need a space of their own. The idea of segregated sexes is ancient, wise and fruitful. It allows maximum development without the overwhelming influence of hormones.
Frankly, it is a measure of success of the deconstruction of normal human development as devised and implemented by really wacko radicals in the 1950s-on. It boggles my mind, the present meek acceptance of unsexed males dominated in all dimensions of life by aggressive females.
Unfortunately, this training was accomplished at a young age and is unlikely to be undone absent devastating tragedy. As it is, the evidence is quite clear that our youth are so screwed up they no longer have the urge to reproduce. Familiarity breeds contempt, not children. And the motivation of those attacking the few remaining vestiges of a great civilization is malevolent, not progressive, not humane and certainly not in the best interests of any involved.
Proof of the pudding: the late Episcopal church went down this road decades ago, mocking its membership when they objected and driving them away by the millions.
There were more funeral conducted by Epsicopalian priests last year than baptisms. They haven't conducted enough marriages to matter, even pretending homosexual marriage in the count.
BSA must resist these cheap shots by opportunists whose only interest is to destroy. BSA people need to discover their backbones and stop using flimsy exuses, such as "increased membership" to slink away from their duty to defend an institution weary from relentless human wave attacks.
Seriously, rethink what you're accepting. Think big picture. Think about your boy's manhood. Think about how fragile the male ego and psyche are in youth. Consider your own experience compared to historical figures such as Baden-Powell, let alone the American founding fathers such as my own ancestors.
Despite their progressive parents' devious scheming, those girls may benefit from this travesty if they are influenced by men and young men of character, a foil and counterpoint, a living example of everything missing from the culture that wants them as imitation boys. Of course, this is to the detriment of the boys themselves, who will pay a great price in missed opportunities: "You can't recognize bitter if you've never tasted sweet." Those Scouters who came of age in the 80s and 90s literally have no idea what life was like before Second Wave Feminism and its devastation. Pity.