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  1. Hi, I am a new Cub Master in Minnesota. Was a Tiger den leader last year. We had 7 scouts in the Tiger den and had a great year last year. Looking to this year, we have had a good recruiting season so far and have gained 9 new Wolf scouts - a total of 16 wolf scouts in the pack. I would like input about having two dens this year and how to make the roster for each den. Should I "shuffle the deck" and start with two totally new dens, or should I keep last year's den mostly as is and have the new scouts form their own new den? Two parents from last year's den have told me their preference is to keep our den together in order to allow the scouts to continue their friendships. However, my first inkling has been to shuffle the deck for the reason that I am concerned a totally new den may feel left out a bit. For reference, the original den has good den leadership in place, and there is a new parent who has expressed interest to be a new den leader. I would like more input to how to manage the rosters if anyone on this forum can give any guidance.. Thank you.
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