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    Pembroke Pines, FL

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  1. I am deffinetly not looking to be a CC, been there done that. Fortunately we have a pack and a troop that are both doing very well.
  2. Thanks for all the replies. This individual is not on any boards or currently holding any position in our district or council. I have since been advised that the local council is also aware of this persons reputation. Needless to say the bridges have been burned.
  3. Based on the source Journey to Excellence Wouldn't that be a goal as opposed to a rule?
  4. Eamonn, I am with you! I also see my responsibility as building the committee and as you said not to pat myself on the back I have an excellent team from the DE down to the members at large. Eagle007, This person was at one time our Risk Management Chair and they were actually asked to leave by our District Commissioner. He told me this is the only person he has had ever had to fire from a volunteer position.
  5. Beavah, Thank you for the reply, I have a past Risk Manager that is always quoting what the individual calls "The Rules". I have been in scouting for a combined 19 years and have never heard most of what is told to me by this person. I have asked on several occasions to please show me in writing what you are telling me and nothing has yet to be produced. I have a fairly large district committee with active members and anything was to ever come up involving lets call it a conflict of interest we have enough people to work it out. I have always read this forum but never posted anything because I can usually find the answer by searching for it, this one must have been something new.;-) Thanks again, DC
  6. I am the District Chair and I am also the COR for my church where we have two units. I already know and have found in writing that as a COR I can also be the Committee Chair if needed to keep our units active and alive. I have an individual who tells me I cannot hold both the District Chair and Charter Organization Representative positions at the same time and I am breaking the rules. I have asked this individual to provide me these rules in writing. I was just elected by the Board of Directors to serve a 4th year as District Chair and I am still the Charter Organization Representative. I think by know if this was against the rules someone would have caught it. Does anyone know if and where this rule exist?
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