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ALongWalk last won the day on June 9 2020

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  1. I agree with you. To me, there should be intense focus from National through the Council to the District in 1) are we fostering getting the scouts out in nature regularly? 2) are we fostering scouts learning how to be great citizens?, and 3) are fostering kids learning how to be the best leaders that they can be given their leadership style? All while having fun.
  2. “Krone earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Master of Business Administration from the Harvard Graduate School of Business. A Six Sigma Green Belt, he is both a licensed commercial pilot and a certified public accountant. He is also a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. “ Wow…one doesn’t accomplish this along with his career success without being a top notch performer and leader. This could be a real home run hire. I sure hope so.
  3. You and others have provided so much information, knowledge, and perspective on this forum. I can never thank you enough. I hope this does not come off as disingenuous but I hope so much that you and all the survivors can find peace. I do know this….your courage has protected other children from being abused in the future. Blessings to you.
  4. Thanks for the post! I will check this out. How did the PWD go?
  5. We attended Scout Sunday today. We are so fortunate that our CO is solidly in favor of Scouting and that it provides so much support for the Pack and Troop.
  6. I agree with you 100%. Also, in some respects I think it is good that most of our local leaders really don’t know what is going on with the BK. They are just focusing on providing the best program for the scouts. There is such a dichotomy between what is going on at National and the local units. I think the troop that I am involved with is about to complete its best year of Scouting in years. It has been a joy to watch.
  7. My district has had some truly bad DE’s over the years but we have had some really good ones as well. Our current DE is probably the best I have ever worked with. He has been able to walk that thin line between unit/program priorities and Council priorities. A great DE makes a world of difference for district operations.
  8. So at this burn rate the BSA has 6 months (5 if you count September) not withstanding any liquidity added due to this recruiting season. Seems to me this is a huge issue.
  9. I am fortunate to be involved with a unit that is in a strong council (at least I think it is strong). I am no expert but it just seems to me that National is out of money and has no legitimate way to earn its way out of the crevasse that it is in. If scouting is going to survive it is probably time to call it as it is and liquidate the BSA. Allow the survivors to receive as much as possible and then allow the councils to negotiate settlements. Some simply will not survive and there will be gaps in where the program is offered. It’s awful but I think we are at the point that we have to decide if the program really matters to our children, families, communities, and nation then we have to take steps to help it survive. I just don’t see how national BSA can be a part of that now. And I want to be clear, I blame the BSA….well, after the abusers. Thousands of our country’s children were harmed with the ultimate responsibility falling at the feet of the BSA. I don’t think for a moment that they wanted one child to be harmed but their inaction and wrong priorities allowed it to happen.
  10. I am at the point of thinking there is no way National survives now. Sure hope that LC’s are discussing some sort of confederations that will allow Scouting to continue.
  11. I also wonder if the BSA runs out of money before every issue is worked through. I have to believe that strong LC’s are making contingency plans to survive on their own or in some sort of confederation.
  12. This doesn’t look good to me…I am not close to being educated on this though. I think my LC could survive setting its claims. Maybe it is time for other LC’s to break away.
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