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Jaron Tauschmann

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI
  • Occupation
    Assistant Scoutmaster
  • Biography
    I am a founding member of the Baden-Powell Northwoods Experience looking to purchase LeFeber Northwoods camps.

Jaron Tauschmann's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. We have successfully raised $95,000 since July 12th the key here is to expand your offering beyond just Boy Scouts and you need to market your facilities well. www.BPNorthwoods.org We have a plan in place to improve attendance, and to increase camp profits, this is just a start to improving the facilities.
  2. Hello everyone!, Since July 19th we are up to $95,000.00 hopefully we will hit $100,000 by the weekend. Checkout our site for more info www.BPNorthwoods.org
  3. The 1 million dollars in deferred maintenance is for all four camps. LeFeber requires the least maintenance of all four. Visit our Link at www.BPNorthwoods.org
  4. We are the Group leading the campaign looking to purchase and run LeFeber Northwoods Camps please spread the word like wildfire to your friends, families and co-workers. We have raised $11,700 just in the first week among our group. The camp namesakes great grandson has even donated. Visit www.BPNorthwoods.org
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