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Everything posted by BSAMustang

  1. why is the Life statement allowed to be late? I've held 53 Eagle SMCs, always with the expectation that all the requirements had been finished. Latest Eagle Letter from NESA had article that stated the First Eagle scout's son finished his Eagle at the last days. Should start a list of last minute Eagles... also "Life for lifers" (those dads that never finished as a scout)(need a patch)
  2. I haven't heard of any BOR 'denials' being held up on appeal... Eagle projects should be thoroughly reviewed by the district and troop before, during, and after; a BOR shoudn't be the place a scout hears his project was insufficient... Eagle BOR can be after 18th BD, but requirements can not be redone.
  3. to back up to the summer camp staff policies and procedure... our council just finished focus groups on this and other topics about our camps. A consensus was formed that too many scouts are sitting in too many MB classes with ill-prepared staff, with poor resources, syllabus and record keeping... attending a class is NOT the same as discussing or demonstrating a required skill... all camps should be computerized enough by now to keep good records... fill out an evalution for the camp you attend that does not meet your scouts' needs!
  4. A librarian is a researcher also. Could you ask the librarian to search resources for a game to use after learning how to tie knots? Recommend newly found resources of books or articles to the troop leadership?
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