No, arrest is a very recent one, one of several increasing recently, probably as a result of the gang involvement. And I have learned from my spouse that this boy's incidents in the Troop are not as innocent as I thought - altercations with other boys, destruction of property, discipline/attitude issues on most trips. But whenever I have seen him, he seems just like any other boy who acts up sometimes. Certainly not "scary" or threatening, just a little out of control sometimes with not listening or participating as respectfully as he could be. But I agree there is nothing we can say about any confidential information but can only be more vocal when the next incident occurs and removing him from the troop is discussed again. It has been discussed several times in the past because of his behavior. We had in the past been fairly relaxed with rules - nothing written - but that has been changed, I believe because of this boy. The boys have had to sign agreement to the rules. I truly feel he is not a real problem to the other boys, more a problem with destroying himself. And I do hope that Scouts can help him, as I think Scouts teaches the boys very valuable skills and ideals. As I am not on the Committee or on the trips, I cannot keep an eye on this boy, but I know the other leaders are. My spouse can also keep an eye, closer maybe than he has in the past. Think that is all we can do. Thanks.